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nggangsterpimp's News

Posted by nggangsterpimp - January 13th, 2010


Jesus ive made so many posts about this collab, but this time its for a special reason.

For one, this collab is now more than 13 minutes and 15 seconds. Jesus Christ dude. Second, ive moved the Collab Specifications/Requirements page to http://bullshit.forumotion.com/flash-f 7/random-insults-collaberation-t81.htm #690. This is my friend IcyCrewProductions new forum. Its awesome. Join up. hang out, do random stuff, review games ect. The more people there are the more fun we can have.

That post tells you everything you need to know for the collab and is alot better said and organized than the NewGrounds post i made for this collab. Check it out. If you wanna join, either post it in that forum, or just ask here. You will be allowed in right away.

My little story. The Day I Met Martin Luther King JR.

This whole 13 fucking minutes and 15 seconds is compressed into only 5.3 fucking megabytes, AND the sound quality is still great! Goddamn im a compression master.

Random Insults Collab 13 minutes and 15 seconds.

Posted by nggangsterpimp - January 9th, 2010

Thats how long my Random Insults Collab is.

SEVEN MINUTES AND FIFTY FKN SECONDS! :D Now its even longer cause i just got another part. :3

This collab is actually becoming awesome so far. I never even thought it would get as massive as it is.

12 people have turned in their parts so far and i have 3 of them on the way.

Ive gotten parts from:

LittleLuckyLink: 1 part, 1 toon with another toon on the way
AndrewGlisson13: 2 parts :3
dragonslya: 1 part
DX53231: 1 part
Flared24: 1 part
IcyCrewProductions: 2 toons :D
Sarnecki: 1 part
ToxicDevil93: 1 part
Tri-Circle: 1 toon, 1 part
ttaisawesome: 1 part
Crazymnonkey154: 1 part, 1 toon
soulreapermarco: 1 part

Parts on the way:

NewGroundsDummie: 1 part (i hope he makes 2)
hiii111: 1 part
leoandrekuta: 1 part

Theres still alot of time for more people to join. As long as people are still joining i don't have an exact release date. I want this collab as long as possible. Im letting anyone join.

If you do join, make a part thats 1 minute to 2 minutes long, or 20 to 30 seconds long, and also a little 2 to 5 second toon to go in between collab parts.

Well hope i get more people to join, just made this post to show progress and get more collaboraters.

If you don't know what random insults is, then watch my random insults 2 movie. :)

One of my most trusted friends, icycrew, made a pretty cool forum. Come join in. http://bullshit.forumotion.com/index.h tm

/* */

Posted by nggangsterpimp - December 24th, 2009


1: Got fiddy bucks from uncle Steve. This is way before present opening time.

2: I JUST GOT A NINTENDO DSI WITH KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 DAYS FROM MY MOM! OMG! Once again a early gift. Were still not opening all our presents yet.

3: another early gift, a 25$ I tunes gift card from my uncle Jody.

4: got call of duty mobilized for DS and Avatar the game for DS from my aunt ann and uncle ROD.

5: got some boxers and a new phone from my grandpa and grandma. Oh yes.

6: Finally got a new belt, a fresh hoodie, (brand avirex, awesome) a fresh shirt, (once again avirex :3) a awesome new pair of earbuds, AND some fresh cologne. :3

7: i got to many gift cards to count to.

8: Got a $50 Walmart gift card from my Dad.

9: Other Grandma got me another pair of nice fresh Sony Sarbuds. Now i have a backup pair.

10: Other Grandma got me some new clothes jjjj.

This Christmas was awesome.

I just became aware of something. People thinking the names on this post are fake. I wanna clear that up.

The names are far from fake. Im not afraid of giving out first names on the internet. Im not a coward like most people. (crazymonkey154 and toxicdevil93). Theres no way that someones gonna come here tracking me down at my house with just my first name, or the first names of my uncles. Ok thats all.

Man i seriously never thought that my Random Insults Collab would EVER get off its feet. But now its got about m parts in it and its pretty long. This is so awesome. MY part is about 3 minutes and 15 seconds long so far and its gonna reach all the way up to 4 minutes or more. ITs my BEST YET. Be sure to check out the collab when i submit it. Theres still time to join in this collab if you want. You know what? I actually don't have a specific release date as so many people i talk to keep joining and its getting bigger an bigger. I keep extending the release date for them. as long as more people are still joining, i won't have a specific release date.

Another thing were doing for the collab is putting little 2 to 5 second long toons in between full parts. If you join, please make a toon to. Just a random toon about anything.

DSIs are sex. I like their design better than the DSlite. I took 2 pics of my DSI. j.

Since my brothers got a DS lite, i went and compared them both. My DSI to his DSlite.

DSI has better speakers than DSLite. DSlites speakers are pretty low quality. The DSI, as you can see in the pic of mine, has a beautiful blue power light. The DSI is a little bit wider than the DSlite, but the DSlite is a little taller. The DSlite can Play GBA games, but the DSI can't. The DSI does have a camera, but honestly i don't even care about it. I don't get joy out of taking pictures and tinkering around with them. The DSIs power button is a circle on the DS to the left of the touchscreen, unlike DSlite where theirs a sliding power button on the right.

Overall to me, the DSI just has a better design.


Merry Christmas fkers!

Posted by nggangsterpimp - November 28th, 2009

Confrence times are over and my mom didn't go. Back to business as usual. Fuck yes. Im safe.

Join my Random Insults Collab. I extended the deadline cause im not ready to submit it yet. UPDATE: Extended it once more. Not because of late parts, but because i don't wanna have to submit it this Christmas month.

MESSAGE FOR PEOPLE WHO ALREADY TURNED IN THEIR PARTS: Send me your parts again because i lost them all in an error.

I already got a PM from someone saying their not gonna take sides on this little thing between me drift and hiii111. People, just don't mind this thing. Don't get involved in it. No im not gonna make you take sides. Im not that kind of person. Just ignore it.

Don't worry about it anyway cause were both friends again.

My god firefox 3.5... your so fucking fast.. i praise you..


PS3 VS 360

OK once again i now have the parts for my Random Insults Collab from,


AndrewGlisson13 Sent me 2 parts! oh fuck yes!

9 fkn collab parts. WOO. Im starting up my part now to. Marine111 aka nuttro2 is also making one now.

I finished the final UMD movie but i won't be submitting it yet.

MORE COLLAB THINGS: im Accepting little 2 to 5 seconds toons to go in between collab parts. Littleluckylink said it would fit well with this collab, and i agree.

I just found out what i am. Im german, irsih, and american indian mixed together.

Crisis Averted.

Posted by nggangsterpimp - November 23rd, 2009

Well, this is that time of year where i overreact about my bad grades and get grounded, but not for as long as i think.

Ok, well no overreacting this time. My moms going to parent teacher conferences to talk with my teachers, I estimate that my horrible grades this time will get me maybe 3 to 4 months of no computer or games. Im failing every single core class, and probably some electives to. Im really going downhill, but i have no regrets.

Im not failings because im a retarded idiot who isn't smart, im just lazy and have major problems focusing on my schoolwork. Littleluckylink made me think of this but, im really not motivated to work in school either. Ive already accepted my future of not graduating from High School, and i KNOW thats how its gonna turn out. Im just not the type of person that can stand work.

I ask that while im gone more people enter the random insults collab and finish their parts with the extra 3 to 4 months this event will give them. Since ill be grounded, you don't even need to ask me to join, just join. make a part and send it to me when i get back. because even if the parts shitty i'll still accept it. Random Insults Collab Post.

Well thats all i guess. If i don't respond to any comments posted on my user page for 2 days after the day this post is made, im gone. AKA grounded. Bye guys.

Is she just trying to keep me worried? she still hasn't gone yet!


Posted by nggangsterpimp - November 15th, 2009

(About fucking time i made a new post)

I had a shitty ass fever ever since Thursday. It lasted until Saturday and now its gone today aka Sunday.

Im NOT gonna be making ANY serious flashes at all nowadays. I just feel more like spamming on my kanamomashouse spam alt account. You should check it out. my spam movies are actually pretty funny.

OCTOBER 31ST 2009 I beat Final Fantasy 7. Im a HUGE final fantasy fan. 7 is the BEST out of all of them ive played so far. Ive only beaten 1 2 7 and 9 though. I almost beat 8i but failed. I wanna play ten someday. If you ever have the chance to play final fantasy 7, DO IT! (Also play final fantasy 7 crisis core for PSP. Ive beaten that to)

My random insults collab, mentioned on this news post is FINNALY going somewhere. Ive gotten parts from 5 people.







Join in on this. ANYONE can join. If you wanna get in just ask me on THIS post. Not the collabs post. That post is only for the collab specs now.

well i guess thats about all i have to say for now. Peace.


I forgot all about my UMD spam alt. Im submitting one final UMD flash movie for anyone who remembers my old UMD spam account. If you were a past supporter comment here telling me.

Posted by nggangsterpimp - September 22nd, 2009


Hmm. Level 23 now. Ok sure why not. I couldve been at 23 like a month ago but i stopped caring and i don't deposit my shit everyday anymore.

MESSAGE TO THE PERSON WHO VOTED MY NEWER REVIEWS AS USELESS: Sorry to tell you this, but you just failed. All of my reviews are now back to marked as helpfull.

Madness Zombie Menace 69 2 abbreviated MZM 69 2, Has now been released as my Madness Day 2009 movie. As before mentioned on this post, kanamomashouse is my alt account. Yes ive said and done racist shit on that account, but it was only for jokes and laughs. Im seriously not racist. theirs some people who are able to see that.. and others that can't...

I hope you guys enjoy, and score me truthfully. Please review it to. Here it is. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

/* */
Im here and responding to reviews now.


Leave bodvik aka chozyle alone now. Were cool with each other.

UPDATE: My modem problem is fixed now. We had to get a new one. Now its all better and im back. :3


Random Insults Collab Post

The deadline is extended to novemeber 25th.

UPDATE: I just added another collab spec in. The BG Color is Black.


ToxicDevil93 (Made The Intro AND his own part.)

dx5231 (Made his own part)

(Made a fucking EPIC part)

Sarnecki (Made his own part.)




Holy fucking shit i REALLY went and wrote all of this? I truly have no life.

I already predict people saying things like, LOL UR SUCH A NERD LAL! Yes i am and i love video games so ok. Especially RPG games. Like ive always said, the UserName "Gangster Pimp" IS only a username. (watch im right, somebodys gonna comment calling me a nerd.)

Now if this was another final fantasy game i wouldn't make as big a deal of it, but Final Fantasy 7 is just fucking amazing. Of the Final Fantasies ive played so far, THIS is BY FAR the best one. I hope to play 10 soon. So far ive only beaten 1, 2, 7, and 9. Those4, and 8, are the only ones vie played all the way through, except i couldn't beat 8. Its final boss is fucking ridiculous. (im sidetracking)

Anyway as i was saying, 7 is by far the best final fantasy game ive EVER played. Plus its the only final fantasy game ive seen with a black person in it. That just makes it even better. Sure the graphics are really old, and the character look so weird when your not in battle mode, or even in battle mode. It takes a bit to get used to the older graphics, but after you do your used to it permanently. Besides fuck the graphics, this game has a great storyline, so much to do, lots of secrets, alot of creative things happen, awesome characters, and one of the most badass villains out of all Final Fantasy villains ever created. Just one of the most unique Final Fantasy game ive played so far.

Now im not gonna go into a giant game review so im just gonna talk about how bad i fucking beasted the final boss Sephiroth.

_______________ !WARNING! !SPOILERS AHEAD!___




Ok so the first time i went to fight Sephiroth, my characters levels were somewhere in the 60 range. I had about a 55% chance of beating Sephiroth on all 3 of his forms. I finally make it to the area before the boss and i was thinking, (oh fuck yeah this is it) so i go ahead for the battle. I beat Jenova pretty easily with no sweat.

Then Sephiroths first form came. Sadly i had to split my dudes into 2 groups of 3, which made this battle quite difficult. After lots of struggling where the weaker team fucking almost died so many times, he finally collapsed and i won. Then the fucking epic Final Boss song, One Winged Angel started playing, and i was in for a really bad fight.

It was Sephiroths second form. This was a very long fight, and i almost had him to, but then he used his SuperNova attack. Not only did it fucking leave my dudes with almost NO HP, but it also left them fucking mini, , toad, and confused. On top of this, Red XIII Was dead, and only Barret and Cloud were left, AND THEY WERE FUCKING CONFUSED! So Barret went and attacked himself, dying, then cloud did the same thing!

I was devastated. I thought for fucking sure i had him right where i wanted him. Then suddenly, i just lost. I went about a week just thinking, (fuck this im done with that game). But i decided to go back. I left the crator, and went to the Crashed Gelenka to train my characters for a LONG AS FUCK ass time. I spent maybe 1 or 2 fucking Months leveling up my Materia and characters. Finally after that long, My characters were at level 99, AND i got the master magic Materia that equips all magic onto a character with just that one Materia. I was finally ready to win..


This time when going back all my characters had 9999 HP and 999MP all thanks to mastered MP and HP ups. Cloud had like 9745 HP though. So i started heading down to battle Sephiroth. I was back, with a vengeance. I fucking plowed through the easy ass enemies and made it down to the core. I saved my game cause i put my save point right there at the core before, and i was ready.

This time Jenova didn't stand a fucking chance. All 3 of my dudes attacks did 9999 damage, if not a tiny bit less, and to make it even better Barret fucking had the X2 cut Materia on, but it was mastered so it let him attack 4 times in 1 turn, and do 9999 damage each time! goddamn man! Jenova shouldve known it was fucked over from the beginning. I think i had it finished off in about 30 seconds, if not 25 seconds. But i won fast as FUCK. I shit you fucking not. I sat there with my mouth open thinking , (HOLY FUCK! I BEAT IT ALREADY!? DUDE OMFG NO WAY! THATS NOT POSSIBLE!) I fucking breezed through this bitch.

Then i had to go down and fight Sephiroth. Well apparently i beat Jenova so quickly that i had to split my dudes into 3 groups this time. Luckily i didn't have to change groups in order to win. If i did i would've just fucking quit and NEVER tried again. I think i actually took out this boss in ABOUT1 minute and thirty seconds. MAYBE 2minutes. Now after beating Jenova in 30 seconds, i actually believed it more this time, but i still had my mouth open cause of how fast, and easy it was.

Then once again,The epic song, One Winged Angel, started playing. This was it. The battle to decide it all. Sephiroths Final form. Right away i just started fucking blasting him down, i used to mostly rely on summons but this time i didn't even use one. not even ONCE. No need when my dude do 9999 with their normal attack. I started blasting him down with ultima equipped on cloud, and had barret attack him 4 times each turn doing about 5000-6000 damage with each hit because Sephiroth puts up wall magic. At first i had Red XIII using comet 2 on him, but the wall magic made it almost USELESS. So i just had Red XIII attack him normally doing about 5000-6000 like barret, except red could only attack once per turn.

Then it happened.. He used SUPERNOVA! This was the moment, this was it. My second try to last through this. The long cutscene for supernova played out then it hit. Luckily everyone survived this time, and nobody got confused to. Nobody got minied or toaded either. I was joyful, cause i knew this was it. then Sephiroth used one last attack. Heartless angel. It brought all my characters HP down to ONE. i was thinking, (OH FUCK). and i started using cute 3 with ALL Materia attached. But then, something happened. SEPHIROTH DIED! i was thinking( FUCK YEAH MAN THATS IT! I WIN WOOO!

Then after the event played out something happened, i was fighting the normal Sephiroth. Just normal. Nothing special about him. No Materia equipped, no nothing. But some strange happened, a special limit break was available. It was the one i was never able to get!. OMNISLASH! So of course i choose it. out of fucking nowhere clouds just starts busting out all of these fucking cuts and Sephiroth each doing damage in the fucking 8000s! i was like, (HOLY OMFG! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!!!) It was kind of fucking hilarious cause he was fucking being brutally murdered. Then the final hit, and i won.

Then holy failed to save the planet and the planet had to save itself. So fucking amazing.

Holy fucking shit did i really just type all of this? go and patt yourself on the back if you SERIOUSLY read all of this. Cause this is one big ass fucking block of text.

What is this One Winged Angel song you were talking about? Here it is.

Main Version:

/* */
Movie Version:

/* */

Posted by nggangsterpimp - September 17th, 2009

Well, since im way to lazy to make a movie that needs very serious storyline and animation focus, Im going to reveal my spam account and submit the Madness flash that i was going to submit on it, on this account instead.

The movie is Madness Zombie Menace 69 2, (MZM 69 2) The preview can already be seen right here.

Yes the spam alt account of mine is kanamomashouse. There have been multiple times where Ive either accidentally, (which is happening alot lately) or purposely giving out lots of evidence of me being him, yet nobody called me out on it. Now don't misjudge, the spam movies are just for laughter. making people angry at how bad they are, for laughing at how bad they are, and laughing at reveiws that say its horrible. Its all for the lols.

Now with it being a more spamish movie, i expected more hate reviews as per usual, but to my fucking amazement it got alot of positive reveiws instead, with most of them commenting on how fun ny it actually is.Maybe NwGrounds actually has a better sense of humor than i thought because before barely any spamish movie of mine would ever keep a average review score of above 9.0 It really makes me feel good about my work on it.

Yeah its a spamish movie, but ive actually spent alot of time on it. Theres lots of layers on it now and i want at LEAST 50 kills or so by Madness Day 2009. Now i guarantee you this movie WILL be submitted unless schools gets at me before then, which then the guarantee is void. Then again i could have toxic submit it for me if that happens..

So anyway, i hope you see the sense of humor in it and such, and if you don't then oh well thats you.

Don't forget about my Random Insults Collab. The new due date is OCTOBER 16th.

EDIT: MZM 69 2 has now been finished. I will submit it on madness day.

My Madness Day 2009 and shit.

Posted by nggangsterpimp - July 31st, 2009

There is no exact deadline yet.

Well its back. Bodvik FINALLY got over it and at LEAST deleted the news post on his chozyle alt account. He would delete the one on his main bodvik account but he forgot the password. i put the post on my nggangstrepimp alt account for reference purposes.

IcyCrew finished his Complete Sh!t EP. Check it out here.

i got back into madness now. ill make something minor for Madness Day 2009. Here is a preview of the BackGround at its current stage. i will be adding alot more though. i fixed the perspective on the lamp but i haven't added the light bulbs inside of it yet.

i decided to host a Random Insults collab. ive had this idea for awhile now, but only just recently was i reminded about it. i finally decided to put it into action. OH BOI FINALY A COLLAB THT IZNT MADNEZZ!1111 AAG!

Hey NGG. Just what is random insults?

Random insults is a movie series of mine i created some time after i registered here on NewGrounds. it involves a series of random insults being thrown at the viewer for comedy.

Random Insults 1 Was created by me and my brother after we started experimenting with Microsoft Sam.

Random Insults 2 was created all by me. Multiple people have commented that 2 is the best one. i agree. i still haven't amde one thats better than 2.

Check out the other 8 or so if you want to get a main idea of what random insults is about. Basically all you need to do is make a part that randomly insults the viewer, or a specific person if you want.

The collab specs.

Flash Version: Macromedia Flash 8.

Screen Size: 600X400

FPS: 24

BG Color: Black

Sound Compression: i will set that myself.

Music: I don't have a music choice right now but still don't add your own. (Delta66 was gonna make it but now hes to fucking addicted to fagbox live.)


Voice: You can use any voice for your random insults part. Microsoft sam, Speakonia voices, or even your very own voice. Everything is accepted but if you use your own voice, please don't make it purposely sound bad.

To record the voices such as Microsoft Sam and such, you need to download and install Speakonia from that site. Then also be sure to download the Microsoft Voice Pack (msttsl.exe) from that link and install it. if you don't trust it because its a .exe then fuck you and get the fuck off my page

Mac?: if you own a computer thats a mac, and you can't get a Microsoft Sam voice, PM me the lines for your part and i will turn it into the Microsoft Sam voice by myself.

Flash 9: if you use shitty adobe flash 9, then when you save the .fla, be sure to save it as a flash 8.fla. not flash 9. Then i will be able to use it in the collab. if you use flash 10, then your fucked.

Animation: You can go with the classic face that has a mouth loop just flapping over and over again, you can try to have a face with a mouth that is lip synced, or have it be a actual person running around insulting random people. Hell maybe you people have even more ideas than that. The least you need to do is a face with a moving mouth spewing out insults. And you don't NEED to lip sync. its optional. i just make it a movie clip of a looping mouth playing over and over again. The mouth of the character does not need to be square either. You can use any character you want. Even one that isn't from my random insults movies. Hell make up your own if you want.

Subtitles: Subtitles are optional, though if your using a voice that isn't real, its a real big help for alot of people who have a hard time understanding the robotic voices.

Deadline: There is no exact deadline yet.

V-Cam: Sure if you really need to use one go on ahead.

How many people can join: As many people as i get can join unless the filesize gets to big and i have to take people out.

Oh and upload your .fla to any file saving site you preffer to use. If you can't find one just google file storage sites.

if you don't have macromedia flash 8 then download it from here. its just plain the .exe. theres no unzipping, unraring, its just plain the .exe. no password or anything. just plain the .exe. no tricks or anything. i was amazed myself when it was just the .exe. its a great legit download. its portable so You don't even need to register, or install it. (i did not upload that. i take no responsibility if you get in trouble for downloading it, though nobody ever does)

Part Length: Your part can be at the most about 1 minute, or 2 minutes long. Either that or it can be short like 20 or 30 seconds or something.

im looking forward to getting some people to join up. Of course ill be making a part myself, and ill have to make it my best. (even though it will never be as good as Random Insults 2)

if i missed anything important, or you have any questions and or problems that i failed to answer. ask me.

Good Luck.

1: dx5231
2: Toxicdevil93 FINALLY I GET A FUCKING PART! Toxicdevil just made me a fucking Lol intro for the collab. Its great.
3: 51430
4: Sarnecki
5: tri-circle
6: loperz619
7: killersoda44 (memea)
8: DepressiveTroll
9: Hippiehater1573
10: Propane Massacre
11: dragonslya

For those of you who go to my chatroom, PM me asking for the new one cause the old one is now abandoned. Toxicdevil invited one of his friends there, it turned out that i don't like his friend, so i baned him, but yet he keeps coming there and he doesn't leave, just like fucking ojo66. so just ask me for the link to the nice new chatroom and we can resume normal life again.

Wow i just made up a new phrase. i call it fail mail. expect me to use it alot now cause i love it.

There is no exact deadline yet.

Im seriously surprised nobody has turned in their parts yet. Its really not that hard to draw a shitty face, then not even lip sync it a nice stream of random insults. Oh my god.

I just went through my first day of school as a sophomore. It wont be as bad as i thought but ive only seen 3 of my classes so far. I know 2 teachers i had last year who will be awesome this year though.


Posted by nggangsterpimp - July 30th, 2009

This game was stolen from, this site.

Please help me get it deleted. PM wade and such about it so it gets deleted. this is the more than 5th time that hes been stealing shit with his alt accounts. why isn't he banned yet?

Well it got deleted. probably most of the thanks goes to sarnecki for that amazing detailed PM he sent to wade about it. Thanks sarnecki.

Well well look whose back.

And im making yet another list of people who want him banned.. ask if you want to be on it..

1: Sarnecki
2: Toxicdevil93
3: Sifter1337
4: Clothor
5: DriftLV1