Duuuude I love it. Whacky and random,and you know I love the good ol' sumo appearance!! I love the Joe Biden skit, the balls in the bench skit, lots of goodies in here. and I know I saw Gunter the penguin,
Good stuff, brodie.
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Duuuude I love it. Whacky and random,and you know I love the good ol' sumo appearance!! I love the Joe Biden skit, the balls in the bench skit, lots of goodies in here. and I know I saw Gunter the penguin,
Good stuff, brodie.
Wow! So much style!! You know whoever made this had a TON of fun doing so. Found myself chucking a ton.
However, what is with the whole finding it at a yard sale yet crediting a bunch of folks for animation and such? I'm confused about the true origins. Is it some joke? If so, could be explained better in the description.
Funny as hell LOL
I'm having a great time! This is lots of fun.
God this one brings me back. I used to rock this game way back in the day. It's still lots of fun. Very well made fantastic game.
Jeus for a demo this is REMARKABLE.
Bright and beautiful :) There's a lot going on in this track with good combinations of background ambience vs the main instruments. The drums give it the type of vibe you want to bob your head to as well.
Thanks a lot ... glad you enjoyed the song ... I tried to fill in the gaps to make it sound more complete ... I guess that worked somehow lol
This is a beautiful piece. :) That Piano rift towards the end really hit for me as well!!
This is awesome!!! Gives me Pokemon Gen 2 vibes but with much more spunk!!
It is a beautiful collection. The one on the stairs with the dark murky water darkness type floor is an entire vibe. I'd love to see that trippy world.
Thank you so much...
Oh that's a flood illustration .. I'm not good at coloring water lol
Hell yeah, broskie. A lot of detail work went into the finished project. I love the aesthetic.
I gotta say, brother, that is indeed one helluva Jolly Roger.
Joined on 11/23/07