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nggangsterpimp's News

Posted by nggangsterpimp - December 30th, 2024

Hello friendos, old and new!!

Happy almost 2025 New Year!!!! Time keeps flying. I can't believe I first signed up back in 2007. As always, I'm hoping everyone is well!! I need to catch up on all the Madness Day 2024 gems.

Man, it really feels like the biggest forces on the internet are trying to squeeze each other out right now. Two big things, One is Microsoft locking down Windows 11 and their web browser being default. They even block links for other browser downloads. You also have google sabotaging ad blockers and glitching non chrome browsers, especially when viewing YouTube content.

Newgrounds still feels like one of the last bastions of freedom on the internet. I might have to become active once again in some capacity if YouTube keeps making me mad. Plus all the individual personalities are hiring employees and retiring/becoming part time.

Leave me a comment! I will respond. :)

Oh! I've also become a terrarium/vivarium caretaker. I have 3 enclosures with Isopods of different species and Springtails. Photo attached!!iu_1326217_2213284.webp



Posted by nggangsterpimp - September 4th, 2022

It's been a long time since my last post here. There's been quite a history on here for me, some I'm happy and proud of, others I'm not so much proud of. I had much fun and drama here in my younger years.

Any of my old heads still around, I hope you're all happy in life. Peace of mind is so important for us in this insane and cruel world.

And all the new folks, I hope you have a great adventure on here as I had all those years ago.

Looking forward to this next coming Madness Day. Madness brought me here in the first place.

Peace and love everyone 💖💖💙💙 leave a comment 😊⭐⭐


Posted by nggangsterpimp - December 24th, 2018

Part 2 is on the way!


Kanasmomashouse is NOT defeated..









Posted by nggangsterpimp - March 31st, 2018

I finally finished my 2018 special animation. It is cenetered around the https://kanamomashouse.newgrounds.com/ universe I created back in 2007-2009. Check it out!! 




Youtube version  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyBnMvoW3K4&feature=youtu.be


Posted by nggangsterpimp - March 26th, 2018

Well everyone, I'm about 12,000 frames in on my new 2018 project. I'd love to make it even longer but I need to wrap it up before I hit the 16,000 frame limit!! I'm very tempted to do a direct sequel because this has been the most fun I have had with animation in a long time. It's not fancy but I focused a lot of the ambience, sound effects, and giving it its own charm. It's sort of a crazy violent adventure.. Like the old adult swim aqua teen hunger force type days. I will be submitting it soon enough.


I hope people understand the strange humor and charm that it has. I chose to include a lot of old character cameos from my https://kanamomashouse.newgrounds.com/  spam account from back in the day. Any old fans still out there, if any, will absolutely love it.


This probably wont be the last you hear from me either... I missed this site, and animation. Stay tuned!!! 



Posted by nggangsterpimp - January 29th, 2018

The previously mentioned project is well underway. It is going well. https://kanamomashouse.newgrounds.com/news/post/1006363#comments


Who is that big tit ass motherfucker??? 



also.. How many of you remember this old show!?!? I remember seeing it yeaaaars ago as a child but never after. How unfourtunate it ended up canceled before it could reach its true glory. It's way too underrated.



Posted by nggangsterpimp - January 11th, 2018

Life gets real busy once you're busy adulting. It's been lots of work for me. My social life is dead, so I'm making a little return to Newgrounds. I'd love for anyone seeing this to check my good ol' "spam" account Kanamomashouse out. I'm creating a nice project I wanted to do for years now, but with Kanamomashouse elements. I miss those days..






Oh and also



Posted by nggangsterpimp - February 17th, 2017

I am still alive, living pretty well, and my mind has never been more clear in my life. I feel very good lately.

Posted by nggangsterpimp - July 23rd, 2016

blankety blank

Posted by nggangsterpimp - April 19th, 2016

Got my dream girl, a car, solved my stomach issues, going for a new job involving forklifts soon, and am overall very happy. Life is good. I still check in here more often than I expect myself to. I want to submit movies again someday.