Bright and beautiful :) There's a lot going on in this track with good combinations of background ambience vs the main instruments. The drums give it the type of vibe you want to bob your head to as well.
Bright and beautiful :) There's a lot going on in this track with good combinations of background ambience vs the main instruments. The drums give it the type of vibe you want to bob your head to as well.
Thanks a lot ... glad you enjoyed the song ... I tried to fill in the gaps to make it sound more complete ... I guess that worked somehow lol
This is a beautiful piece. :) That Piano rift towards the end really hit for me as well!!
This is awesome!!! Gives me Pokemon Gen 2 vibes but with much more spunk!!
Happy New Year!!! :) I love the sound to this one. Sounds very upbeat and almost triumphant as well. as if just emerging victorious from a huge long journey or life changing battle. I love both the epic scale sections as well as the gentle parts of the song.
Tyssssm ...glad you liked it .. there is still a lot to learn and uncover.. I hope we become even better versions of ourselves this year
It's a badass sounding track, old friend. I hope you are well.
Another beautiful song :) :)
Another beautiful comment :) :)
Beautiful!!! I like your music style a lot. :)
That's really nice of you to say ... you're comments made me happy thanks
Very relaxing. Gives me Samurai Champloo old school kind of vibes. :)
I really like this. There is an upbeat feel but also an intense feeling mixed in. Big Undertale energy when it comes to the emotional draw for me.
Thank you sooo much.glad you enjoyed it ♡ +love undertale music
Joined on 11/23/07