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Random Insults Collab:

Posted by nggangsterpimp - July 31st, 2009

There is no exact deadline yet.

Well its back. Bodvik FINALLY got over it and at LEAST deleted the news post on his chozyle alt account. He would delete the one on his main bodvik account but he forgot the password. i put the post on my nggangstrepimp alt account for reference purposes.

IcyCrew finished his Complete Sh!t EP. Check it out here.

i got back into madness now. ill make something minor for Madness Day 2009. Here is a preview of the BackGround at its current stage. i will be adding alot more though. i fixed the perspective on the lamp but i haven't added the light bulbs inside of it yet.

i decided to host a Random Insults collab. ive had this idea for awhile now, but only just recently was i reminded about it. i finally decided to put it into action. OH BOI FINALY A COLLAB THT IZNT MADNEZZ!1111 AAG!

Hey NGG. Just what is random insults?

Random insults is a movie series of mine i created some time after i registered here on NewGrounds. it involves a series of random insults being thrown at the viewer for comedy.

Random Insults 1 Was created by me and my brother after we started experimenting with Microsoft Sam.

Random Insults 2 was created all by me. Multiple people have commented that 2 is the best one. i agree. i still haven't amde one thats better than 2.

Check out the other 8 or so if you want to get a main idea of what random insults is about. Basically all you need to do is make a part that randomly insults the viewer, or a specific person if you want.

The collab specs.

Flash Version: Macromedia Flash 8.

Screen Size: 600X400

FPS: 24

BG Color: Black

Sound Compression: i will set that myself.

Music: I don't have a music choice right now but still don't add your own. (Delta66 was gonna make it but now hes to fucking addicted to fagbox live.)


Voice: You can use any voice for your random insults part. Microsoft sam, Speakonia voices, or even your very own voice. Everything is accepted but if you use your own voice, please don't make it purposely sound bad.

To record the voices such as Microsoft Sam and such, you need to download and install Speakonia from that site. Then also be sure to download the Microsoft Voice Pack (msttsl.exe) from that link and install it. if you don't trust it because its a .exe then fuck you and get the fuck off my page

Mac?: if you own a computer thats a mac, and you can't get a Microsoft Sam voice, PM me the lines for your part and i will turn it into the Microsoft Sam voice by myself.

Flash 9: if you use shitty adobe flash 9, then when you save the .fla, be sure to save it as a flash 8.fla. not flash 9. Then i will be able to use it in the collab. if you use flash 10, then your fucked.

Animation: You can go with the classic face that has a mouth loop just flapping over and over again, you can try to have a face with a mouth that is lip synced, or have it be a actual person running around insulting random people. Hell maybe you people have even more ideas than that. The least you need to do is a face with a moving mouth spewing out insults. And you don't NEED to lip sync. its optional. i just make it a movie clip of a looping mouth playing over and over again. The mouth of the character does not need to be square either. You can use any character you want. Even one that isn't from my random insults movies. Hell make up your own if you want.

Subtitles: Subtitles are optional, though if your using a voice that isn't real, its a real big help for alot of people who have a hard time understanding the robotic voices.

Deadline: There is no exact deadline yet.

V-Cam: Sure if you really need to use one go on ahead.

How many people can join: As many people as i get can join unless the filesize gets to big and i have to take people out.

Oh and upload your .fla to any file saving site you preffer to use. If you can't find one just google file storage sites.

if you don't have macromedia flash 8 then download it from here. its just plain the .exe. theres no unzipping, unraring, its just plain the .exe. no password or anything. just plain the .exe. no tricks or anything. i was amazed myself when it was just the .exe. its a great legit download. its portable so You don't even need to register, or install it. (i did not upload that. i take no responsibility if you get in trouble for downloading it, though nobody ever does)

Part Length: Your part can be at the most about 1 minute, or 2 minutes long. Either that or it can be short like 20 or 30 seconds or something.

im looking forward to getting some people to join up. Of course ill be making a part myself, and ill have to make it my best. (even though it will never be as good as Random Insults 2)

if i missed anything important, or you have any questions and or problems that i failed to answer. ask me.

Good Luck.

1: dx5231
2: Toxicdevil93 FINALLY I GET A FUCKING PART! Toxicdevil just made me a fucking Lol intro for the collab. Its great.
3: 51430
4: Sarnecki
5: tri-circle
6: loperz619
7: killersoda44 (memea)
8: DepressiveTroll
9: Hippiehater1573
10: Propane Massacre
11: dragonslya

For those of you who go to my chatroom, PM me asking for the new one cause the old one is now abandoned. Toxicdevil invited one of his friends there, it turned out that i don't like his friend, so i baned him, but yet he keeps coming there and he doesn't leave, just like fucking ojo66. so just ask me for the link to the nice new chatroom and we can resume normal life again.

Wow i just made up a new phrase. i call it fail mail. expect me to use it alot now cause i love it.

There is no exact deadline yet.

Im seriously surprised nobody has turned in their parts yet. Its really not that hard to draw a shitty face, then not even lip sync it a nice stream of random insults. Oh my god.

I just went through my first day of school as a sophomore. It wont be as bad as i thought but ive only seen 3 of my classes so far. I know 2 teachers i had last year who will be awesome this year though.
