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Madness Zombie Menace 69 2 (MZM 69 2)

Posted by nggangsterpimp - September 22nd, 2009


Hmm. Level 23 now. Ok sure why not. I couldve been at 23 like a month ago but i stopped caring and i don't deposit my shit everyday anymore.

MESSAGE TO THE PERSON WHO VOTED MY NEWER REVIEWS AS USELESS: Sorry to tell you this, but you just failed. All of my reviews are now back to marked as helpfull.

Madness Zombie Menace 69 2 abbreviated MZM 69 2, Has now been released as my Madness Day 2009 movie. As before mentioned on this post, kanamomashouse is my alt account. Yes ive said and done racist shit on that account, but it was only for jokes and laughs. Im seriously not racist. theirs some people who are able to see that.. and others that can't...

I hope you guys enjoy, and score me truthfully. Please review it to. Here it is. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

/* */
Im here and responding to reviews now.


Leave bodvik aka chozyle alone now. Were cool with each other.

UPDATE: My modem problem is fixed now. We had to get a new one. Now its all better and im back. :3


Random Insults Collab Post

The deadline is extended to novemeber 25th.

UPDATE: I just added another collab spec in. The BG Color is Black.


ToxicDevil93 (Made The Intro AND his own part.)

dx5231 (Made his own part)

(Made a fucking EPIC part)

Sarnecki (Made his own part.)




Holy fucking shit i REALLY went and wrote all of this? I truly have no life.

I already predict people saying things like, LOL UR SUCH A NERD LAL! Yes i am and i love video games so ok. Especially RPG games. Like ive always said, the UserName "Gangster Pimp" IS only a username. (watch im right, somebodys gonna comment calling me a nerd.)

Now if this was another final fantasy game i wouldn't make as big a deal of it, but Final Fantasy 7 is just fucking amazing. Of the Final Fantasies ive played so far, THIS is BY FAR the best one. I hope to play 10 soon. So far ive only beaten 1, 2, 7, and 9. Those4, and 8, are the only ones vie played all the way through, except i couldn't beat 8. Its final boss is fucking ridiculous. (im sidetracking)

Anyway as i was saying, 7 is by far the best final fantasy game ive EVER played. Plus its the only final fantasy game ive seen with a black person in it. That just makes it even better. Sure the graphics are really old, and the character look so weird when your not in battle mode, or even in battle mode. It takes a bit to get used to the older graphics, but after you do your used to it permanently. Besides fuck the graphics, this game has a great storyline, so much to do, lots of secrets, alot of creative things happen, awesome characters, and one of the most badass villains out of all Final Fantasy villains ever created. Just one of the most unique Final Fantasy game ive played so far.

Now im not gonna go into a giant game review so im just gonna talk about how bad i fucking beasted the final boss Sephiroth.

_______________ !WARNING! !SPOILERS AHEAD!___




Ok so the first time i went to fight Sephiroth, my characters levels were somewhere in the 60 range. I had about a 55% chance of beating Sephiroth on all 3 of his forms. I finally make it to the area before the boss and i was thinking, (oh fuck yeah this is it) so i go ahead for the battle. I beat Jenova pretty easily with no sweat.

Then Sephiroths first form came. Sadly i had to split my dudes into 2 groups of 3, which made this battle quite difficult. After lots of struggling where the weaker team fucking almost died so many times, he finally collapsed and i won. Then the fucking epic Final Boss song, One Winged Angel started playing, and i was in for a really bad fight.

It was Sephiroths second form. This was a very long fight, and i almost had him to, but then he used his SuperNova attack. Not only did it fucking leave my dudes with almost NO HP, but it also left them fucking mini, , toad, and confused. On top of this, Red XIII Was dead, and only Barret and Cloud were left, AND THEY WERE FUCKING CONFUSED! So Barret went and attacked himself, dying, then cloud did the same thing!

I was devastated. I thought for fucking sure i had him right where i wanted him. Then suddenly, i just lost. I went about a week just thinking, (fuck this im done with that game). But i decided to go back. I left the crator, and went to the Crashed Gelenka to train my characters for a LONG AS FUCK ass time. I spent maybe 1 or 2 fucking Months leveling up my Materia and characters. Finally after that long, My characters were at level 99, AND i got the master magic Materia that equips all magic onto a character with just that one Materia. I was finally ready to win..


This time when going back all my characters had 9999 HP and 999MP all thanks to mastered MP and HP ups. Cloud had like 9745 HP though. So i started heading down to battle Sephiroth. I was back, with a vengeance. I fucking plowed through the easy ass enemies and made it down to the core. I saved my game cause i put my save point right there at the core before, and i was ready.

This time Jenova didn't stand a fucking chance. All 3 of my dudes attacks did 9999 damage, if not a tiny bit less, and to make it even better Barret fucking had the X2 cut Materia on, but it was mastered so it let him attack 4 times in 1 turn, and do 9999 damage each time! goddamn man! Jenova shouldve known it was fucked over from the beginning. I think i had it finished off in about 30 seconds, if not 25 seconds. But i won fast as FUCK. I shit you fucking not. I sat there with my mouth open thinking , (HOLY FUCK! I BEAT IT ALREADY!? DUDE OMFG NO WAY! THATS NOT POSSIBLE!) I fucking breezed through this bitch.

Then i had to go down and fight Sephiroth. Well apparently i beat Jenova so quickly that i had to split my dudes into 3 groups this time. Luckily i didn't have to change groups in order to win. If i did i would've just fucking quit and NEVER tried again. I think i actually took out this boss in ABOUT1 minute and thirty seconds. MAYBE 2minutes. Now after beating Jenova in 30 seconds, i actually believed it more this time, but i still had my mouth open cause of how fast, and easy it was.

Then once again,The epic song, One Winged Angel, started playing. This was it. The battle to decide it all. Sephiroths Final form. Right away i just started fucking blasting him down, i used to mostly rely on summons but this time i didn't even use one. not even ONCE. No need when my dude do 9999 with their normal attack. I started blasting him down with ultima equipped on cloud, and had barret attack him 4 times each turn doing about 5000-6000 damage with each hit because Sephiroth puts up wall magic. At first i had Red XIII using comet 2 on him, but the wall magic made it almost USELESS. So i just had Red XIII attack him normally doing about 5000-6000 like barret, except red could only attack once per turn.

Then it happened.. He used SUPERNOVA! This was the moment, this was it. My second try to last through this. The long cutscene for supernova played out then it hit. Luckily everyone survived this time, and nobody got confused to. Nobody got minied or toaded either. I was joyful, cause i knew this was it. then Sephiroth used one last attack. Heartless angel. It brought all my characters HP down to ONE. i was thinking, (OH FUCK). and i started using cute 3 with ALL Materia attached. But then, something happened. SEPHIROTH DIED! i was thinking( FUCK YEAH MAN THATS IT! I WIN WOOO!

Then after the event played out something happened, i was fighting the normal Sephiroth. Just normal. Nothing special about him. No Materia equipped, no nothing. But some strange happened, a special limit break was available. It was the one i was never able to get!. OMNISLASH! So of course i choose it. out of fucking nowhere clouds just starts busting out all of these fucking cuts and Sephiroth each doing damage in the fucking 8000s! i was like, (HOLY OMFG! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!!!) It was kind of fucking hilarious cause he was fucking being brutally murdered. Then the final hit, and i won.

Then holy failed to save the planet and the planet had to save itself. So fucking amazing.

Holy fucking shit did i really just type all of this? go and patt yourself on the back if you SERIOUSLY read all of this. Cause this is one big ass fucking block of text.

What is this One Winged Angel song you were talking about? Here it is.

Main Version:

/* */
Movie Version:

/* */


great job on that

Thanks man!

Nice work man!
LMAO, the hovering kanamomashouse as god.

Great work man!
5'd it, and 10'd it!

Thanks alot.

iv pimp out my userpage with maddness


yes, great job. AND HAVE A WONDERFUL MADNESS DAY 2009 =D!

Hey you to.

Lol that MZM 69 2 of yours.... what gave you the inspiration XD

Toxicdevil for making his old deleted shitty horrible madness zombie menace movie, and to newgroundsdummie for insulting it for laughs. One day me and newgroundsdummie were making fun of madness zombie menace created by toxicvdevil (he deleted it now) and i got the best idea ever, i said" ILL MAKE A MOVIE CALKLED MZM 69z! LOL!" Newgroundsdummie said" CO AUTHOR ME"
and i made it. :3

ok, lmao :Ð


by the way i'll eat my shoelashes if Madness Zombie Menace 69 2 wins MadnessDay's first prize XD


My amazing genius bullshit has turned into a loved MD09 movie by you.

Logical, LMAO


bad news, I can't do the collab, flash crashed :o

i should just cancel the collab now. it will never get off.

lmao, I agree with your response to memea, its not even gonna be as succeful as my devil contest, LMAO


hey man, i downloaded flash today, now i'm busy converting all my powerpoint shizzle to flash compatible stuff (which is a bitch, since he automatically converts my shapes to bitmaps, so i have to use the trace tool to make the shapes look good), but i simply can't find a tool to group multiple objects...
could you help me with this one? :Ð
yay i've 4 submissions on newgrounds and i still have no idea how flash works... and im not even starting to animate XD

god i hate explaining things. Happy to know you got flash but j. sorry i can't help you here.

ok, i'm looking for answers someplace else then ;)

k man sorry again.

Holy fuck man!
Thank you so much for the B day flash!
Sumo flipping madness! LMAO!

lmao! Yes.

Haha, he tells us we can't review his art and then he rolls up and gives us a negative review, based on his hatred for you?
That guy has a serious attention crave!

And then when I try and give him a honest opinion he just sees the 3/10 and don't even read my pointers?
That's really ignorant!

Yes i know. His true side revealed for all to see.

I have no idea who review whos work first, but...
I was looking through NGgangsterpimps posts, found some link to some guy he had been in a few fusses with, I decided to check out his profile, saw the art he had submitted, it wasen't shit, but it was not good either.
So I wrote him an honest review, based on my perspective and view of his art.
And as NGgp wrote, I even added the ensuring text that I have no grudge against him, I just happen to be good friends with NGGangsterpimp and I wanted to give him an honest review!

Then I was looking through my music and my flash reviews, and I decided to check out if any new reviews had been left on my B Day flash,
and I saw his illwill based review.

I still have no grudge against this... bodvik or whatever his name is.
My view of him, is that he's a pretty hotheaded guy that often gets into verbal fights and what not, and when he's mad he just can't see the way of the real world, he only tries to find faults and shit with the guy he's arguing with.
And by telling pimp to leave him alone, and then go and leave an useless review with no real explanation, that's sending out MIXED MESSAGES.
Look, Bodvik, If you don't want to get into more meaningless arguments with NGGangsterpimp, cut off all the connections to him, find some friends and forget about it!
But by getting into a offensive state, is not helping anything!
Stop reviewing on Nggangsters or anybody else's work, and we'll do the same thing.

It's that simple!!

Bravo. Very well explained.

I even told him with my last comment on the LAL post, that as long as he left me alone after that, i wouldn't say shit to him anymore, but after this review its all back once again.

"Go enjoy your parents being split up. Now for the moment, I have other important stuff to do than wasting my time on some immature kid insulting me with pathetic insults"

You know man, you're 13, you don't know what mature is!
"Go enjoy your parents being split up"
First of all...
You write like you haven't passed english.

Personal attacks is childish and cheap.
So what if NG's parents are split up? Do you have anything to do with that?

Now if you get cancer, etc, and you make a post about it,
would you like us to say "lol, go and enjoy your cancer, kemo-fag!!"
NO, because that is immiature.
Trying to sound like a grownup and reasonable adult when you're clearly a very hotheaded 13 year old, just puts your back in the shit, with no ladder to help you get up!

Get on with your life!
You don't seem to have that many friends, atleast not on newgrounds, so stop contacting NGGP or any of his friends, don't pm, don't comment, don't review, don't vote!
Just stop being an attentionwhoring hothead with nothing better to do than taking everything we say in the wrong way, or exagurating it!
Just step down, and find some people to hang out with or something!

Holy shit. Well explained once again, and very true. But man, you better block him from commenting on your news post or pming you before he shits his cock jokes and thieved insults on you.

"Jewgroundsgangsterpimp".... no offense, but I lol'd at that one.
Rest of the message is rather pathetic though.
The divorce remark really was no style.

Personally i find JewGroundsGangsterpimp a pretty cheap joke. But other people have different sense of humor.

Hes judging you because your parents split up? What a loser. mine split up on a christmas and half the people i know have split up parents.
Hes a pussy.

Thing is im not even sure if he knew they ere split up. I really have no problem with it. I don't know my real dad, but my step dad is FUCKING AWESOME.

Hes the biker stylish guy, almost always wears those types of sunglasses, knows alot about fixing cars and shit, works at a factory, hes real fucking strong, he gets away with driving without a valid license, he just does alot of cool shit. Hes pretty fucking hardcore. Yet at the same time, hes very kind hearted, and he loves helping people. Hes the best dad (stepdad) i could have ever asked for.

Also, on christmas? Holy fucking shit, thats horrible.

Yeah it was pretty cheap indeed. But still :P


You get angry quite easily
Seriously this is like ...wow.

Not as easily as bodvik though thats for sure.

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