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Crisis Averted.

Posted by nggangsterpimp - November 28th, 2009

Confrence times are over and my mom didn't go. Back to business as usual. Fuck yes. Im safe.

Join my Random Insults Collab. I extended the deadline cause im not ready to submit it yet. UPDATE: Extended it once more. Not because of late parts, but because i don't wanna have to submit it this Christmas month.

MESSAGE FOR PEOPLE WHO ALREADY TURNED IN THEIR PARTS: Send me your parts again because i lost them all in an error.

I already got a PM from someone saying their not gonna take sides on this little thing between me drift and hiii111. People, just don't mind this thing. Don't get involved in it. No im not gonna make you take sides. Im not that kind of person. Just ignore it.

Don't worry about it anyway cause were both friends again.

My god firefox 3.5... your so fucking fast.. i praise you..


PS3 VS 360

OK once again i now have the parts for my Random Insults Collab from,


AndrewGlisson13 Sent me 2 parts! oh fuck yes!

9 fkn collab parts. WOO. Im starting up my part now to. Marine111 aka nuttro2 is also making one now.

I finished the final UMD movie but i won't be submitting it yet.

MORE COLLAB THINGS: im Accepting little 2 to 5 seconds toons to go in between collab parts. Littleluckylink said it would fit well with this collab, and i agree.

I just found out what i am. Im german, irsih, and american indian mixed together.

Crisis Averted.


If everythings okay why did you spaz out on me for saying something.

I didn't deliver a message, and since he said like, an hour before I told you, I wasn't delivering messages.

This whole comment is incorrect.

Everything IS ok. (and wait why'd you ask me if everythings ok, i never SAID everything was okay on this post.) I didn't spaz out on you. I peacefully told you i was gonna block you for delivering messages to me from hiii111. Now don't bring this onto my userpage or ill block you here to, which id rather not want to do.

Literally no matter what, you told me what he said, so it was delivering messages. on top of that even if the first message was from 1 hour ago, you told me that he responded saying that he did download it, therefore you were delivering. Don't comment here again if its about hiii111. Hes become extremely annoying these past 2 days.

Wow fine then. Fuck both of you asshole. Blocked forever. I wasn't taking shit seriously, i just fucking blocked you cause you were annoying me to all fucking hell. There was no need for that, and it was to long so i didn't read it.

You act like i wasn't serious about the delivering messages thing and then you deliver this fucking wall of text to me? this is the worst insult ever Fuck you i will never forgive you asshole.

EDIT: stop PMing me and get over it already. Goddamn.


Hey there howve ya been.

im not your friend anymore!

dude seriously i don't even give a fucking shit. LET IT GO. I already wasn't even planning to become your friend again when this first started. Im not ever forgiving you OR dirft. Stop. Making. Alts.

I have been awesome. I now have more magical paoers than evar.

hey thtz awesum MAYN lal!@!#

I'm awesome, as are you!

yes u r!!!

dude, i was slmost going to delete my part after i sent it to you, holy shit im glad i didnt

Thank god. Now send me as soon as possible.

hey man im not your friend anymorez
i only rollz wit REAL cripz bitch not some fakeass pimp
i saw yo hoez too, fuken ugly!!

man fuk that!!


He ive seen this on youtube before.

hey nggp use that song for the credits ^^

Great idea.

sense i can't download the voicing thing can i do teh credits? :3

Im afraid not. Sorry.

can i at least do a hidden "easter egg"?

I don't know i guess so.

Hey good to see you're not grounded or something. Must have been some pretty thrilling days for you :P

For sure. :3

Hey man, I'll make a part, what's the new chat if there is one?

Hey there you. Its been awhile. Ill pm you the room.

FUCK NGG what the hell did i do to you? on your chat fucking banned me forever for no fucking reason i did nothing to you! i didn't make fun of you lie to you be an ass to any one on your chat! AND YOU WENT AHEAD AND BANNED BECAUSE OF MY FRIEND WHO WAS ANNOYING TO YOU SO YOU BANNED him AND ME WHAT DID I DO?

Fuck you.You ruined my chat by bringing your annoying bag of garbage friend there. You now pay the price for it. Bye forever.

your a gay ugly cock sucking bull kissing no lifed homosexual porn watching aids having freak, go shove your face in a pile of shit so we dont have to look at you

For one, i don't even fucking know you, for two, by just spamming my page with more than 80 comments, you just proved that you have no life at all.

ur a lipdick mutha fucka gimme those digits to yo moms numba

I don't even know you.

I know what you mean, bro.

About what?

alright one scrambled Easter egg for the collab comin right up!

Ok cool.

Who in the fucking african congo are all of these faggots.


I think its just one person whos butthurt after being banned from my chat.

Also epic man. Your part will be great i already know it.

Firefox 3.5 I love that shit.

hell yes!

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