Joined on 11/23/07
hey thanks buddy. Ill remember this for the rest of my life.
dude that was a long post you had up there, ive never seeen you wait so long to make a post. But is there an approximate date your wanting to release the collab? and this may be the most stupidiest question ive ever asked but what is your alt accounts name supposed to be, or like what words are in it? im sorry i just never understood it haha
Yeah it was a very long post, but not my longest. My longest must be the one that i posted for my 1 year on newgrounds day.
a date? not a release date, but a due date. Its Novemeber 25th.
My kanamomashouse alt account? Hey im glad you asked. I love explaining the name of my alt accounts. Its not a stupid question at all, infact its a question that the most intelligent people would ask.
The name kanamomashouse. Well the kana part. For some reason back in 07, i had a thing for starting passwords with kana, in them, so i said, "ok kana" The momas part, back in 07 i was still in the phrase of saying mom jokes, so for some reason i came out with momsashouse. I combined then and created, kanamomashouse.
Thats basically the story, and im happy your asked. Your really the only person to ever ask me and it makes me feel good that you were interested in that. Well there you go friend.
wow thats sweet, ive always wondered and was meaning to ask you about it, so thats pretty deece. :)
Hey man your pretty awesome.
ay blud, you russian or some shiet? praporschit is that some fucking russian gang or somethin? aight i dunno just come here when u finished and ill buck that svetlana bitch i seen you eyeing hahaha aight homay
one love
AIGHT YO NIGGA ON DA BLUD! NA NIGGA! ON DA G! NA NIGGA! ON DA CRIPZ! WTF NIGGA GD ALL FUCKIN DAY NIGGA! ON DA MONEY FUCKIN NIGGA! God i hate it when idiots talk like this in their fucking stupid voices.
Hey man! MC5.5 came out yesterday!! If you haven't seen it already, then do so NOW!!!: <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/518447">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /518447</a>
I already saw it. AndrewGlisson13 informed me yesterday right when it was released.
OKAY when i go to private message my someone a thiing comes up with "ERROR - YOU HAVE DISABLED PRIVATE MESSAGING" do you know how to enable it? or like what the fuck is going on? have you had this problem before?
Simple. Go to your account page, gerneral information under account configuration. Go down top messaging options and and change it from switch off, to accept/send all. Done.
OMFG thank you so much, i owe you so much, thanks you saved my ass big time!!
hey ye no problem.
5 parts so far? Cool.
Btw you kinda misspelled my random username.
nggangsterpimp (Updated )
ahh so i did. Ill fix it. FIXED,