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nggangsterpimp's News

Posted by nggangsterpimp - January 1st, 2009

























Lol I started my own little crew. http://umd.newgrounds.com/ you really should join it since UMD's are awesome. =D

ttaisawesome is fucking pathetic. just because he is banned for 5 days from my UMD forum, he gets all angry and starts barking threats at me, when i am not even the person who banned him. now i permabanned the fag, and ip banned. he can suck my balls and roast in hell. do you see that post he made? its goddamn pathetic. as if just angrily saying to spam the UMD forum is going to do shit? does he really think that will get anyone to do anything for him? obviously he fucking does. je is an idiot. everybody including LittleLuckyLink was right for calling him a shitty ass fucking immature little fag, and i regret not listening to them. hes probabaly a 7 year old little fag. he has almost no REAL friends here on NG and the only one he has, he is threatening to fucking hate just because he is registered at our UMD Forum. i am going to hopefully make a random insults on this ignorant little piece of shit, a really long one. he pmed me with a threat to gang up with 7 is unlucky and spam me, and everyone related to my UMD crew. he doesn't fucking scare me, even tho he thinks he does. this fag is even worse than ojo66 because he just annoys the living shit out of me, with the way he thinks he can just tell people off. he can suck my dick until i brick. this little fag will never have any friends. he can say all he wants, but he will stay banned from my UMD Forum and from the UMD crew. i appreciate anyone who spam the shit out of that fag, or if spamming isnt your thing, at least tell him off. and if you aren't involved with him, or don't talk with him, dont ever talk to him, he will betray you quick.

i submitted the test for new years day. enjoy. :3 http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/


you should visit soulreapermarco unless your a punk ass ho.

This guy is a amazing artist.

Finished madness thingie.

maybe some of you remember my post about the first flash i ever submitted to NG? It was called ultimate battleground i finally got onto my moms computer and retrieved the .avi and .swf of the original movie. of course i left it unfinished because it got blammed twice. but now that i have its original file i can upload it to youtube, spamtheweb, ect. now that im looking back at it its not really that bad for for my first flash submitted to NG. its especially not that bad for being made with MS Paint and Windows Movie Maker. Lmao. well anyways here is the swf version for spamtheweb,

Ultimate Battleground and here below is the .avi version i uploaded to youtube. vvvvvvvvvvvv


/* */

Well please leave a comment on it, And yes i know it pretty much sucks cock now but i wanted to share it cause no one has gotten to see it before.

Update on madness perspective.

i have gotten so much better since i started it i got so much better that im even thinking of scraping it and starting it over again. looking back at it now its really not that damn good. if i decide to scrap it i will post a full .swf of wut i had so far for all of you to see. that's not the only reason that i might scrap it. back when spaderz that old pimp made from leisurely ragtime sprites i used that in madness perspective scene 2, and since every part of that old pimp is just fucking groups and not symbols theirs no way to just go into the symbol, delete the current pimp shit, and replace it with the winner. so after this contest i might just scrap it and start over. i will decide later.

DECIDED: yes im going to scrap it and start all over. im posting its .swf here. it fuckin sucks dick but whatever. its unfinished with a shitty menu and play button. Unfinished Madness Perspective


After my little breakdown from how bad that madness perspective was, I am finally inspired again. So today i was dosing off in 5th period because i was bored as fuck, and i started imagining some madness fuckers beating the shit out of each other, in a place with great backgrounds and everything, i now want to turn this little daydream i had into a movie that will beat perspective by a mile with, better movements, faster paced murder, nice backgrounds, better blood, and a customized main character. the character wont look that good, but at least its mine. i have huge plans for this movie, and plan to have 10 people massacred within the first 15 second of the movie. a ass load of tips i got from friends of mine will make this literally my best madness movie so far. especially nuttro who hugely critiqued me, on a large scale, monitering every single little detail. this one will be as realistic as i can make it.

Wish me luck.

oh god. Blockhead 11. fucking finnaly.

-------------------------------WHO CAN MAKE ME A PIMP?---------------------------------


--Read all of this before you decide to do it or not.----------------------------


Or if you use flash 9 be sure to save the .fla as a flash 8 .fla by going to File/SaveAs.../ and changing it from cs3 document to flash 8 document.

right now what i need is a nicely drawn pimp, or gangster, in the form of a madness character. make sure to draw multiple views. here is a basic madness pack to get you started. if you customize the hands then you must add the customization to all hands in the basic madness pack. if you don't then the pimp will be useless to me. if you want you can do more hands than just those to. you don't have to use krinkels sprites to draw the pimp but if you do draw the pimp from scratch be sure to include enough hands so i can use him in a lot of different situations. be sure to use symbols and not grouping. i am calling anyone who reads this to please attempt to make me one. the top 10 pimps will posted on my user page in a top 10 list, but the best and number one pimp will become my user icon and be featured in a ass load of flashes that i will make in the future, including madness perspective which will be released for madness day 2009. other prizes include me voting helpful on all of your reviews and me voting 5 on all of your flashes. the best pimp will also be the icon on my youtube channel. 1st prize winner gets all of those prizes that i listed. 2nd to 5th prize winners get me voting helpful on all of their reviews and me voting 5 on all of their flashes. 6th to 10th prize winners will get me voting 5 on all of their flashes. if you wanna enter the contest, tell me with a comment on this post, then get to drawing. the due date for the pimp is February 15th. i might extend it if the person who needs it is halfway done.

if you dont know what a pimp is and all that heirs 3 examples. 1 2 3

when you finish the pimp upload its .fla to spamtheweb or filefront and pm me the link to it. or if none of those work out for you then send it to makethepimp@gmail.com if you send it to the email then notify me so i check it out. good luck and i hope to see some pimps soon. ;) and please. don't just take sprites from other people and say that you made them. i hate it when people do that. once again when you finish please don't hesitate to send me the .fla right after your done. i don't want to know the pimps already done and just be waiting for the .fla. im a impatient person. ;)

after this contest the top ten pimps will have a battle off in a animation i will call battle of the pimps. :D don't ask if you made the top ten list, because there isn't one yet.

come on people help me out here, i really want some good pimps.

damnit don't just quit because LLL's pimp is good. you still have to get in the top ten to get your pimp into the battle of the pimps animation.


ok so today 7-isunlucky pops into my chatroom and right away says, " whose pimp is better, mine or LLL's? and of course im not going to just fucking lie, so i said LLL's was better by a fucking mile. then for no reason the big nosed shitbag says that LLL's pimp is a fucking rip-off and fuck you im leaving, and just leaves the fucking room at that. well 7, fuck you, wait no because i don't want to get your aids. 7, piss off. your just jealous of littleluckylink's flash skills you big nosed fucker. you can go eat a dick and get some herpes while your at it. LLL said you lose all of your friends within about 1 fucking month. heh. how ironic, he was exactly right. a asslod of people here on NG hate you because you are some spamming ass fag who stole LLL's FUC U!1 and raped it till it wasn't even funny anymore. Madness Neurosis 3 was a win and you shouldn't even be hating it either. your a good animator and a good flash artist but your also good at being a dickhead. everyone who said you were a fag is right. and i should have listened to them in the first fucking place. you are banned from my chatroom so don't even bother trying to come back asswipe. so cya never Pinocchio. (big nose fag) ANYONE WHO FUCKING DISAGRESS WITH THIS POST CAN GO SUCK ONE!

wow this contest is starting to have some great turnouts. :D

Contestants: This is not the top ten list

madnessteen (completed) Updated and way improved.


sarnecki (completed)

memea (Completed) Updated.

Littleluckylink (completed) FUCKING WIN!

Nuttro (completed) this is fucking sexy. he drew this with a tablet. =O

malikmo (completed) pretty good.

SUPAHGOKUMAN (completed)


Crazymonkey154 (completed)

toxicdevil93 (completed) nice stuff.

7IsUnlucky (completed but hes disqualified for being an asshole.)

My parents are getting suspicious over what my grades in school are.. they might find out soon.. and i will be grounded again...


These two over obsessed ass fags keep on saying bullshit like, OH NGG WE USED TO BE BESTEST FRINEDS, AND THEN U WENT AND BETRAYED US! U FAG! look you assholes. i barely even know you fuckbags. all i ever knew from you is how you gave my fucking movies tens. neither of you immature fucks were EVER cool enough to get invited to my chatroom, and never got their to talk with me. Last fucking time i checked toxic is my best friend, not some immature 8 year old fucks. What in the fucking hell made you both think that i was YOUR best friend? god you guys are like ------, and maybe even fucking worse. Ill bet a fucking girl says hi to you at school and you already think shes your goddamn girlfriend. im probably right huh? What you two need to do, is shut up with talking shit, and stop thinking that people who you don't even barely fucking talk with, are your best friends. God i knew there were fucking idiots on NG, but none as bad as u idiots. I totally see why LLL had that long period of hating vinny99 because hes fucking annoying. All of the people who LLL hated, i know hate. from now on people who LLL hate, even if i don't know them, are being blocked from pming me, or posting on my page, because hes always been right. fuck you fags. shut the fuck up now. And i was never best friends with you idiots. you guys aren't, and WILL NEVER be as cool as toxicdevil is. You only wish you could be. My final response for vinny99.


Btw, unlike vinny99's faggot list, this isn't insulting the people, it is just people i dislike. So this is far away from vinny99's faggot list.


Posted by nggangsterpimp - December 29th, 2008


i am animating a cool madness test. i will upload it to spamtheweb and link it on here when its finished.

i found all of these arts on tyrone101s page.

_88888888 ________ _______________ _88____88 ________ ______________
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_88 ________88____88 ___88______88 _88__88 __________ ______________
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___8888888 _________88 ________ 88 ____ __ _________ _______________
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preview of the test so far. nuting much.

special madness test.

Posted by nggangsterpimp - December 24th, 2008

sweet. ive reached sergeant major. :3

one of my Christmas gifts were $100 Bose earphones... and they are.. the best mutherfuckers i have ever used in my life.. HOLY FUCK I ALSO GOT GRAND THEFT AUTO 4! DUDE HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS IS AWESOME! OH FUCK YES! ALSO MY BROTHER GOT FALLOUT 3! AND IT FUCKING KICKS ASS!

spaderz is a immature faggot who needs to crawl into a mutherfuckin hole and just die. all he ever does is lunge around, make shitty lame animations, and steal other peoples sprites and then say that he made them all by himself.

Fact: he loses a friend almost every month because he will just randomly say shit like your just gay, for no fucking reason at all. kinda like he did to me once before.

spaderz666 is his alt account. when he first made it he tried to blame it on someone else and said it was supahank. but of course i didnt even believe his bullshit. especially since the account gave all of his flash fucking tens.

The Pimp that he made me wasn't even good shit at all. it was just fucking recolored leisurely ragtime clothes and a shitty ass shotgun that doesn't even have a goddamn trigger, or a handle, with a cane handle added onto it. seriously how the fuck do you shoot without a damn trigger?

i finally get tired of him stealing sprites and talking shit to me and my friends so then i finally ban him from my chat room. then he has the nerve to go off and write a abusive review for Santa's stress. ( as seen below ) seriously now that is just immature. i was sure to give him straight up zeroes on his movies, but i actually gave some tips on how he could improve and what to fix. toxicdevil93 will try to make me a real pimp character but if that fails i will permanently replace pimp with the middle finngar gai i made. including the pimp in madness perspective.

yea i just had to get that out.

tl;dr? long story short, spaderz is a immature fag.

------I I I I---------
------I I I I---------

holy shit..

Posted by nggangsterpimp - December 23rd, 2008

and it turned out better than i thought it would to. plz vote 5 review and enjoy it. :D Santa's Stress Dj-Fanta5t1c is a talented musical artist. i recommend listening to his songs because they are great. if you don't want to review my flash then just leave your comments about it here. HOLY FUCKING SHIT! IT PASSED WITH A FUCKING 3.40! THANKS SO MUCH GUYS! :D

it has been released.

Posted by nggangsterpimp - December 22nd, 2008

Right now I am making a madness short for Christmas. its gonna be called Santas Stress. Santa is very stressed with this Christmas year and it isn't looking good. If it keeps up like this Santa is gonna go off the fucking hook. With troubles at home with his wife MS. Claus and little faggits saying MARRRY CHRISTMAS all the time Santa has to do something to release the stress. we will see what happens with the shorts release.


I gave my V-Cam a huge gigantic ass update and it is looking better than ever. i added a fucking kill count to. Hugely Updated ass V-Cam.

also, short pic. :P btw i added the Santa suit and made the cell phone myself. :3

christmas madness short.

Posted by nggangsterpimp - December 14th, 2008

i got huge plans for My Custom V-Cam. i am planing to possibly add a whole menu with scene select and some other things that is accessible from one click on the V-Cam. and i can do that with the skills i learned from making Sniper Confrontation. its amazing what you can learn from just making one simple game. i would recommend that everyone makes at least 1 type of game. its always good to learn at least a little action script.

Update: Meh, it didnt work. the menu used a movie clip wich messed up the buttons. oh well whatever. im possibly going to take a break from madness perspective and start a side project. details later. what am i thinking. i have been working to hard to just stop and do a side project. i must finish.

oh shit! im out on a snow day! :3 no skool for me for today or another week. HOLIDAY VACATIONS OWN!

How to make a custom V-Cam
ok. if you already have a normal V-Cam then i will now tell you how. first of all get the normal V-Cam out on the stage. then make a separate rectangle that is the size of the bottom of the V-Cam. convert it to a symbol. make sure the symbol is a graphic. not a movie clip or a button. then line the rectangle up with the bottom of the V-Cam. then select the V-Cam and rectangle and convert them both to one symbol. once again make sure the symbol is a graphic. then there you have it. to add more stuff like play and pause buttons just edit the rectangle that's connected to the v-Cam. for example go inside of the rectangle graphic and add a play or pause button or something. if you have any questions just ask me. Action script for quality toggle. paste this script onto a button.

on (press) { _quality = "Low" }

if u want it to change to high then just change it from low to high, and same with medium.

crazymonkey154 was the first to read my how to make a custom V-Cam and successfully do it correctly. and i must say he did a fine job. he also uses a great new walk cycle. its similar to alpha nuvas gallop. crazymonkeys V-Cam + new walk cycle.

haha shit. take a look at this faggot. he went and made a post about me and toxicdevil, and even called us n****rs. hes pretty much a idiot. his insults are lame and he doesn't not know anything about my animation skills. i will bet he couldn't animate as good as me even if he really tried to. my madness day 2009 aniamtion so far beats anything he could ever make. The Aniamtion So far. toxicdevil made the ninja in scene 3. :3

also i modified krinkels M16 and added perspective to it. >:3

big plans for my V-Cam

Posted by nggangsterpimp - December 7th, 2008

his name is middle finar gai. notice how he is my current user icon. except in madness form with different angles. i love him. and i made him all by myself. he will be in madness perspective. :3 if your not a fag you will check out this guy and this guy. NOTE: fixed the feet on the middle guy. >:3 i know his back hand is really damn fucked up. im not good enough to fix it up. please leave a comment about him. :3


most of illwillpress's flashes started sucking lately. but this one is true and so fucking hilarious. he made a great comeback. :3

This game is created by a asswipe who cant take good criticism. he went berserk on a review that my friend soulreapermarco gave him. marcos review was totally fucking legit. he had no reason to snap like that.

ok heres whats pissing me off right now. i lately made a nice fresh user banner, and for some reason i cant even see it. i can see it with internet explorer but not with firefox. so this is kinda wierd. do you guys see the banner?


new madness charcter. >:3

Posted by nggangsterpimp - December 5th, 2008

i searched through the obituaries and was able to find the eulogy of the first piece of shit flash that i ever submitted. it was made with paint and windows movie maker. of course it got blamed. lmao. ultimate battleground the swf of the movie is on my moms computer somewhere. ill get it sometime and post it on spamtheweb, even though its a shitty movie. :3 check out my friend Amplified (GordanFreeman16) this song is a EPIC FUCKING WIN! IF YOU DONT VISIT MY FRIEND fmlilgarfield YOU ARE A UGLY ASS FAG!

oh and also. one last thing. Queff Sniff.

OH NOEZ! ITS A LEAK OF MADNESS PERPECTIVE SCENE 3! =O Madness Perspective Scene 3 the hand with the blue blade is far away becuase the ninja got that hand cut off. i have finished up scene 3. and its time to head on to scene 4. scene 4 will have possibly 5 or 10 kills because i have not had enough kills for a movie with 3 scenes yet.

movie stats so far: Madness Perspective (M.P.)
Frames: 1,503
Length: 45.4 seconds
Kills: 4
Scenes: 4
Kill Count: Added in Scene 4

new post coming soon today.

Posted by nggangsterpimp - December 2nd, 2008

shes only 2 years old and shes has already had surgery on her. 2 days ago she tripped and her arm went into my brothers hot soup and it burned her skin off. the soup was fresh from the micorwave. my mom took her to the hospital to get surgery. if she wouldnt have gotten surgery her arm would have got infected and then she would have died. i never knew that a bowl of soup could cause that much harm to a 2 year old. the surgery has been done. at least she will be okay now. she didnt die. but she almost lost all movement in her arm.

AND ALSO::::::::::::::: yes i know making a subject change about flash CS4 after my sister being seriously hurt is wierd, but shes okay and life goes on.

i now have flash CS4 so you better get your ass over and install Flash Player 10. although i will still be using 8 for all of the flash movies i submit to NewGrounds, i will sometimes make tests in flash 10. heres a sexy ass screenshot of Flash 10 for you. to get flash 10 you go to adobe.com. but you gotta sign up first.

bodvik is acting very immature. his argument that crazymonkey154 is gay, and sucks at animation, is a broken argument with no real valid reasons on why he sucks or how he is gay. he wouldn't have anyway to even know who is really gay on newgrounds or not.

3D piece of shit that i made with CS4

my poor sister.

Posted by nggangsterpimp - December 1st, 2008

i was watching the fucking news this morning and i saw this piece about how a security guard at walmart got fucking trampled and killed by the goddamn thanksgiving sale crowd. when you cant even go to a fucking store without fear of being trampled by normal goddamn people then you know how goddamn stupid the fucking pricks of this world have become. read more about this fucking disgraceful savage incident here. jesus christ how in the fuck do people knock doors of the goddamn hinges and kill someone just for a goddamn SALE?! I FUCKING SWEAR THIS BULLSHIT JUST PISSES ME OFF! THOSE FUCKING POOR FAGGOTS NEED TO GET BETTER GODDAMN JOBS SO THEY DONT NEED TO RUSH TO A FUCKING CHEAP ASS SALE FOR STUPID FUCKS WHO WERE TO GODDAMN LAZY TO GET THEIR GOOD FUCKING GRADES AND GET A GODDAMN DECENT JOB!

i copied the entire article here becuase the link will proboly expire after a while:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Black Friday took a grim turn when a New York Wal-Mart employee died after bargain hunters broke down the doors to the store, pushing him to the ground.

The 34-year-old male employee was pronounced dead an hour after shoppers breached the doors to the shopping center in Valley Stream, Long Island, about 5 a.m. Friday and knocked him down, police said.

Click here for photos.

"He was bum-rushed by 200 people," Jimmy Overby, the man's 43-year-old co-worker, told the New York Daily News. "They took the doors off the hinges. He was trampled and killed in front of me. They took me down too ... I literally had to fight people off my back."

A 28-year-old pregnant woman was also taken in for observation and three other shoppers suffered minor injuries during the incident, police said. The pregnant woman and the unborn baby were reported to be OK, said Sgt. Anthony Repalone, a Nassau County police spokesman.

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. in Bentonville, Ark., closed the store in Valley Stream for several hours after the stampede. It reopened shortly after 1 p.m.

Photo Essays
o Black Friday Death

Wal-Mart representative Dan Fogleman called the incident a "tragic situation" and said the victim came from a temporary agency and was doing maintenance work at the store.

"The safety and security of our customers and associates is our top priority," Fogleman said. "Our thoughts and prayers are with them and their families at this difficult time. At this point, facts are still being assembled and we are working closely with the Nassau County Police as they investigate what occurred."

Police said about 2,000 people had gathered outside the doors before the Wal-Mart opened at the suburban location about 20 miles east of Manhattan. A crowd pushed the man to the ground at 5:03 a.m., three minutes after the store opened, leaving a metal portion of the door crumpled like an accordion.

Nassau County police spokesman Lt. Michael Fleming described the scene as "utter chaos." "This crowd was out of control," he said.

Criminal charges were possible in the case, but Fleming said it would be difficult to identify individual shoppers. Authorities were reviewing surveillance video.

The industry's largest retail group said the incident was rare.

"We are not aware of any other circumstances where a retail employee has died working on the day after Thanksgiving," said Ellen Davis, a spokeswoman for the National Retail Federation.

Shoppers around the country line up early outside stores on the day after Thanksgiving in the annual bargain-hunting ritual known as Black Friday -- which got its name because it has historically been the day when stores break into profitability for the full year.

Many stores open early and close late. The Valley Stream Wal-Mart usually opens at 9 a.m.

Items on sale at the Wal-Mart store included a $798 Samsung 50-inch Plasma HDTV, a Bissel Compact Upright Vacuum for $28, a Samsung 10.2 megapixel digital camera for $69 and DVDs such as "The Incredible Hulk" for $9.


like i said before thats some stupid fucking bullshit. these people need to get some goddamn hobbys. its just a fucking store. jesus christ.

fucking discracefull.