Summer's coming to an end, and that saddens me. ): I'll only be hanging with friends on the weekends now instead of 4 days every week, but oh well, I can still have fun. School starts for me in like 14 days.
As my hopefully final year of school comes in, I'll have much less time to animate if the damn school work gets completely piled on me, so I'm not sure what's going to happen.
Madness: Tyrant Takedown is at 1045 frames so far. I've almost finished scene 2. Here's the preview of scene 1 that has the storyline and character info in the main menu. ce2ab7fd509aae0040c0e0e56653df That's the whole basis of the movie right there.
Here's a screenshot of the near end of Scene 2. That is the final kill. 10 kills so farr. (:
Wish me a lot of luck, because I'm gonna be stressed as hell with school in like 14 days or so, and I won't be able to handle it well at all.
EDIT: So, I have my own laptop now. (: