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nggangsterpimp's News

Posted by nggangsterpimp - September 23rd, 2013

You know, this madness day wasn't too bad at all, there it weren't any big blockbusters this time, it was still nice to seee everyone's creations for it.

Posted by nggangsterpimp - September 3rd, 2013

I can't say the working life has been too bad so far. Only a week into it I'm really starting to get the hang of it. I can't wait to taste that first paycheck. Omnomnom.

On another note, I've been playing grand theft auto san andreas again lately. It's so damn fun. I missed it.

The working life has been swell so far

Posted by nggangsterpimp - August 22nd, 2013

I am officially employed. This feels great. I've come way too far from the NGG who used to make posts about "being grounded for bad grades". This is really fantastic. A big step in my life. Things are looking very high up.

I got the job!!!


Posted by nggangsterpimp - August 19th, 2013

I motherfucking came.

Update: The interview went fantastic. I'll get a call back eventually telling me whether I've got the job or not.


Posted by nggangsterpimp - July 19th, 2013

big poopie poops. I like to poop. A lot. It feels great.


Posted by nggangsterpimp - May 1st, 2013

I have now finished High School. I have done so well that I'm getting a award for high achievement. This is a pretty big change from the NGGP who used to be so worried about getting grounded for bad grades haha. Life feels very good right now. My next goal is to get a vehicle, a part time job, and start my college classes. woo!!! For now though, I get some off time to chill out, and spend time with friends. As this picture obviously says, I was just recently hooked on Final Fantasy 8. Haha its a great game!

Life is changing

Posted by nggangsterpimp - February 11th, 2013

I'm always here whenever I am not busy. At times my friends are there as well. http://xat.com/lmf69l Been using this as my internet home since 2008. Come hang out!

Also, you should totally join this forum. It's a real cool open place, friendly, and posting there is a good pass time. http://theconstipatedbull.forumotion.com/ It's fun times!!

Posted by nggangsterpimp - January 15th, 2013

Life has changed a lot for me lately. I've gone from a lazy person, to someone working towards a career in computer technology. I've been fixing friend's laptops, getting a lot of computer experience, and know that this is where my future lies. I really look forward to it. Animation wise, lmao I'm done. Animation tends to involve way too much procrastination for me now, and top of now with less time i'd rather spend my time doing other things.

So yeah, things are definitely moving forward.

Posted by nggangsterpimp - November 3rd, 2012

This is basically my internet home/chatroom. http://xat.com/lmf69l Come there and chat with me and my friends sometime. I'm there whenever I'm not busy.

Posted by nggangsterpimp - October 12th, 2012

I have found myself with some free time on my hands, and therefore, by the end of this weekend, will have completed a new Random Insults movie, as I am very disappointed with how 6 turned out now looking back on it. I could have done so much better. For starters, I re-designed bob from Random Insults 2 (arguably the best of the series) to look more like he originally did in 2, than he looked in RI 6. He's not the main character, but of course he's definitely going to have to be in it. (; 7 Will have subtitles, have more than jut a face sitting there, and SHOULD actually be pretty interesting to watch.

EDIT: God damnit!!! Got too busy to work on this lmfao. I'll get it done eventually that's for sure.

Random Insults 7