perspective is exactly what im going to use for my madness day 09 movie madness perspective. this is great. it teaches anyone perspective. this gets my 5.
perspective is exactly what im going to use for my madness day 09 movie madness perspective. this is great. it teaches anyone perspective. this gets my 5.
thank you vary much, that makes me feal good.
oh my god nice.
this is a pretty nice game. i also found it funny that you put joe the plumber in there. that was a pretty amazing idea.
nice ass tut!
i never knew how to use filters untill i read this! thanks alot! :D
No problem!
graphics not that bad.
the voice acting. microsoft sam is the most funniest type of voice that you can ever use in any type of movie. the voice was hilarious. its funny when hes like great i dont give a crap and when the other guys like, now go while i touch little boys. hehehe. those were the funniest parts.
the storyline. it had a basic sotryline and thats good enough for me.
comedy. a fat guy fell on me from out of the sky. i loled when that happened.
the action. it was pretty action packed on the last big fight scene.
nice flash. this flash has my 5.
Well I'm glad you liked it!
this isnt that helpfull really.
its common sense to know wich reviews are bad andf wish arent. this flash doesnt change anything. people alredy know how to get to deity. please make something alooot better next time. good luck.
Everyone except you found this helpful.
nice sig creator.
i loved the graphics. it must have takes alot of scritping to. amazing. nice job.
this is diffrent from all the other windows paroides. this one is a piece of crap becuase of to much safety. i liked that new concept. i can instantly tell this is a windows vista parody. thats a good thing becuase windows vista really does suck. but anywayz nice job on this. i really liked it.
omg v.3!! >:D
i just reviewed v.2 also. this one is cool. and its a girl. how sexy. jk lol
She is hot!
this is alot better than the first! dude you gotta keep making these better and better! >:D v.3 soon plz!! >:D
well... the v.3 is released now..
Joined on 11/23/07