Yeah as my last My life is amazing Post says, my life STILL is amazing to me.
If you haven't read my previous news post i linked above, go do it already or you won't get anything of what im saying here. Things have changed some now. Its a LONG complicated love triangle story that would not only take a day to write here on NewGrounds, but would also be revealing the personal business of all 3 of us and i can't go doing that.
Basically, all 3 of us have been through alot of emotional stress and drama and i gotta say its been hard to handle, but its worth having Anastacia and Melissa as friends. Anastacia being my BEST friend. The bond between me and Anastacia is stronger than EVER.
Now things have changed. Ok i thought melissa and anastacia didnt like eachother anymore, but their friends again now. A stupid mistake i made ALMOST made melissa hate me forever. I still get hugs from both of them everyday, but not double hugs because i meet them separately at certain intervals during the day to and from classes.
Both Anastacia AND Melissa give me such tight hugs filled with love and care that make me feel loved and happy. Without them i really don't look forward to school at all. My relationship with both of them is platonic (a non sexual relationship), and its all i need because it keeps me extremely happy. Man ive become such a emotional nerdy fggt, but i say it proudly. :) (Lmao not literally a faggot.)
Lmao, my record for going without fapping is 18 days.
In other news, Random Insults Collab on hold due to laziness. Sorry.
ALSO: Fuck its so weird how life works. I used to see LittleLuckyLink as some Super Madness Animator God who id never become friends with "becuz hez to cooL!@" and now he says im his best fucking friend. Holy fuck man. Everytime im feeling down he goes all doctor Phil and makes me feel better and stuff. This guy is great, and to anyone who only likes him just because hes a great Madness Animator, stop thinking that way.
FINALLY: Im finally wrapping up the Random Insults Collab. Entry is now CLOSED. The last person to enter was Gabriel Barsch. He asked me in a PM. Get ur part to me within 30 days Gabriel.
ugh lazziiineeees! If my lazinesmakes me not release this collab some ppl will be dissapointed. Its taken long enough already. ahhhh.
Wow holy fuck, my life feels so great right now. Nobody can touch me. Im in fucking heaven. (:
UPDATE: I have alot of days where i feel shitty, and some days where i feel happy and in a good mood. My mood swings alot. mjmj.
emotional is better than emotionless.
anyway yes you're a happy ass!~~!!!@
fuckn RI collab ASS
Yes im a very happy ass. (: