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Posted by nggangsterpimp - November 20th, 2008


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i have now been on newgrounds for a whole year, and this post is in honors of the memories of my first year. happyfaice. :D

best fucking newgrounds birthday ever. on this birthday of my one year on newgrounds i gained a portal rank, became level fucking 17 and i also submitted random insults 6. this is the greatest newgrounds birthday that i will probably ever have. thnx newgrounds. :D

with my 1 year anniversary everybody gets a second chance. i have unbanned everybody from posting on my page or from pming me. except for ojo66 of course. if you don't know why hes the only one then read about him in my memories post right here.

back before i found newgrounds all i did was play video games, and i only used the internet to look for cheats for those video games i played. until one day i came across newgrounds. at first i didn't really care about it much. then one day i came back and the first game i literally remember playing is picos school. and that's probably the game that got me into newgrounds in the first place. after that i started checking out the movies and other games on here. and then i saw madness combat. i remembered seeing it years ago but i was 12 and didn't care much. but when i was on newgrounds this time i was 14 and i fucking <3 all over madness combat.

the first post that i ever made was called who the fuck am i. and i accidentily typed it with caps lock on. it only got two comments and one said FOR STARTERS STOP TYPING IN ALL CAPS! i loled. i deleted all of my old first posts that i made on newgrounds and i highly regret it because it was my newgrounds history. if your reading this never delete your old posts.

the second post that i ever made was talking about my fuzzball city movie. of course the preview pic for it was just made in shitty ms paint. so i don't even know why i made it. but some people liked the idea when i explained the storyline though.

this was my first user icon that i ever made for newgrounds. it was made with ms paint since i didn't have flash when i made it. this was my second user icon. i made it with flash 8. i got a lot better at drawing shit here. lawl. :3 this was my third user icon that i ever made. its a lot better than my last ones. and finally this is the one that i am using right now. :3 animated version. this is my first 46X46 icon that i used. it was made in liveswif. and this is the second one i ever used. this is the one i am using now.

of course after about 1 week on newgrounds i realized that the program needed to make flash movies would cost a shitload of money. so instead i downloaded DVD Video Soft Video to Flash Converter.. then i used ms paint and windows movie maker to churn out some shitty ass stick movie that got blamed 2 times. i called it ultimate battlegrounds. and it had some shitty ass ms paint icon. ill search for the movie some other day and post it when i find it. it was left unfinished.

madness gossip 1-4. i decided to make madness gossip 1 after i really started getting into the madness series. i was really gripped by all of the kick ass violence. all i did was take a print screen from madness 3 avenger and edited it with mspaint. i just had to add ms paint circles for the mouth. but it took more effort than most people thought because it was kinda half lip synced. so i kinda didn't like it when i got bad reviews on it, but it is pretty bad though. i made it with DVD Video Soft Video to Flash Converter.

madness gossip 2 was also made with DVD video soft video to swf converter and windows movie maker just like madness gossip 1 was. except i used my own voice. and my voice sounded horrible because my mic was shitty as hell. i get shivers every time i hear my voice on it but other people tend to like it.

by madness gossip 3 me and my brother had started experimenting with microsoft sam. so i decided to use him for a voice in madness gossip 3. sometimes in 3 you will hear some very random shit because sometimes i had ms sam say something that was from the video game that my brother was playing while i was making it. 3 was a huge turnaround for the series.

madness gossip 4 got the highest approval rating out of them all. and watching it now i even admit myself that it is the best out of all four of them. i got a review from toxicdevil93 on the day i released this movie. i didnt like him to much after that review. a lot of people had wanted a continuation after this movie but i didnt make a 5 for a long time. this episode paved the way for my new series of random insults.

random insults 1-5. random insults 1 was made with the DVD video soft method once again. i made a shitty face in ms paint and used that with windows movie maker. this one was a combination of insults made by me and my brother. we were still experimenting with ms sam while i was making this and we had the time of our life. if you have watched my insult movies you can probably tell that the first part of this movie isnt my type of insult style. the first part was made by my brother. the part about what your mom says in the club was made by me though. this wasn't the best movie but it got a great review from dtnfdt who became my first and best friend here on newgrounds.

random insults 2 is the best out of them all. almost everybody who you would ask who actually likes the random insults series will say that 2 is the best. and i agree with them all to. when i made this one i also used the DVD video soft method. i was done experimenting with dumb shit and i was onto full force insults thats i was making for fun, and that's why this is the best one. dtnfdt also gave me a great review on this movie to. kailenrulzu gave me a review that i hated horribly back then. but now i got over it and i don't hate him anymore.

random insults 3 was when i moved away from the DVD video soft method and got a flash MX 30 day trial. i was starting to learn actionscript and i used it to have you shoot the smiley face at the end of the movie. i got some horrible reviews from users like magmapple and geneticmalfunction. and ace9eca gave me bad reviews one almost 3 or 4 of my movies so i hate him. i got a lot more intelligent with my insults when i made this movie. their not just dusty musty rusty crusty type insults anymore.

random insults 4 went back to the DVD video soft method because my 30 day trial had run out. i used another ms paint face with this movie and it wasn't as good as 2 but i think it was almost as good as 3. it was not as good as it could have been though. once again i got a fucking review from ace9eca. by this time he was really starting to piss me off with his reviews and i pmed him calling him a fuck wad. wow i was so immature back then.evill-bob extremely pissed me off with his shitty ass review he left for this movie. the review that newgroundsdummie gave me made me very happy. i also got a great review from oldlyshapedchris. ever since then he has reviewed a lot of my flashes so i consider him a great friend of mine.

random insults 5 was made with liveswif. liveswif is a free flash like program that come with no guides or anything but its better than nothing. as you can see liveswif fucked up the face pretty bad but it was all i had at the time. and the voice i used was shitty as fuck. i will never ever use it again. ms sam is the best voice out there. Aequillibrium made me really fucking mad with his disgraceful review that he left for this movie. i personally think that this vid did suck horribly though.

random insults side projects. one time i was pissed at school and i made random insults school. i also made a random insults for toxic's everything collab but the collab failed so i am just posting it here. random insults toxics collab. i also decided to make a random insults using my voice. my mic sucked back then so it sounds quite a bit weird. random insults voice test.

after i became friends with oldlyshapedchris i saw his post on a collab called the cliff collab. i was able to get into it myself. but my animation for it was so fucking shitty. i am surprised i was able to get in. looking back at it now my part for it fucking sucked on major ass. but its still a piece of my history though. my cliff collab part.

squeaky insults was made becuase i was experimenting with making my voice very high pitched like alvin and the chipmunks or some shit. all of the review i got for this movie were good. none of them were shitty. i used liveswif and ms paint for this vid to.

toxicdevil93, newgroundsdummie, and soulreapermarco. after awhile and i made more flashes i got a chatroom of my own and posted it on my userpage. after that toxicdevil93, and newgroundsdummie came onto my chat room and they started coming on everyday and ever since then we have been friends. i met soulreapermarco at school in 6th grade but we didnt talk much then. 2 years after 6th grade i had soulreapermarco in my 8th grade English class. after that i got him to come onto newgrounds and now hes on the chatroom and newgrounds everyday to.

fuzzball city was left unfinished but i released what i had finished. this was made in flash MX and isn't really that good. this movie got a horrible shitty ass review from markgray58 and from toxicdevil93. it made me angry.

3 madness kill tests was made of 3 madness tests that i made because i was practicing madness a lot. i got a full blown version of macromedia flash 8 by this time. flash 9 is shitty because adobe is destroying everything flash related. i got a review from bigmac990 who later became a very good friend of mine. but know he doesn't talk to me or comment on my posts anymore. idk why. since i had to use a set FPS (frames per second) the animation didn't come out that good. here is the real madness tests separated at the real FPS that they should be at. there's also a unreleased extra animation that was literally the first madness test that i ever did make. literally the first. i decided not to include it in the movie becuase its so short. my madness 1 my madness 2 my madness 3 and my madness 4

madness ownage was my submission for madness day 2008. at first i thought that it was great but i have now realized that it sucks and i have gotten so much better now. here a example of how much better that i have gotten since then. preview of my madness day 2009 movie madness perspective. well there's your proof. i hope you like it, and you see the major improvement. i made a custrom v-cam that will be featured in madness perspective to. :3 at first when i thought it was the best movie ever i gave horrible responses to reviews that gave me tips on how to improve. i think that is why i got like 1 million more bad reviews after that. after this i learned how to take criticism. :P

after madness onwage i was reminiscing on the old madness gossip series and finally decided to make madness gossip 5. i am very proud of it and it got a high score. unlike the older ones i actually made 5 on flash 8. and it had some real animation to. i got quite a lot of positive reviews on this one. :D

my spamming days. over my time on newgrounds i made 2 accounts that i used for spamming and trolling newgrounds. 1 of them was probably more well known as UMD, and the other was well know for a couple days as ZEG. with umd i spammed the portal with shitty flashes that had pictures of UMDS (universal media disk) and a background music of a funny song called charcaron. and with zeg i submitted a couple flashes called UR GHEY, and UR A CUNT!, and UR STILL A FAG! before he got deleted. i also used him to post UR GHEY! on peoples user pages. i admit it was fun trolling but it wasnt worth the 1 week that i was banned off my newgrounds account. wade got me good. but all the time that i was spamming it was fun. and even tho the flashes said stuff like UR GHEY i still loved newgrounds all the time that i was spamming the portal and peoples user pages. go ahead and flame me all you want about it but it cant change anything now. here is a whole list of the flashes that i submitted with zeg. the first flash ever was called U FAG! then heres all the rest. U FAG BAG! UR MUM IS A HO! U CUNT! UR STILL A CUNT! U QUEEF! and finnaily george and osama. well thats about it. note: george and osama was originally called UR STILL A FAG when i submitted it with zeg.

Legacy Of NGgangsterpimp