now that i have made my very own cutom v-cam i can continue making madness perspective. the persenal v-cam inspires me to keep making my movie.
:toxicdevil93 helped my by gettin me the as for the high medium and low quality buttons.
movie so far:
fps: 33
frames: 266
length: 8.0 seconds long
kills: 3
bullets shot: 16
guns used: 3
scene: near the end of scene 1
after scene 1 the whole rest of the movie will be taking place in the 3D backround that you see on my madness perspective post. and thats what i need my custon v-cam for. heres a little test thingy i did so i could show you all my custom v-cam. v-cam filters ftw. also preview of madness perspective final part of scene one. its not in the 3D BG just yet, it comes in after this part. also vote helpfull on my reviews cuz it makes me sooo happy :)