jeez another long countdown till mah next rank level up. anywayz back to having the previewz of my madness movie up on here. so here it is. ok so i have finnaily released a swf preview for it with sound and everything. enjoi it! <3 my madness 5 preview
i apreciate all of you people who comment on my movie and give me tips and stuff. i really apreciate it all. thnx u! <3 ino ino spelling errors all over this fucking post. idc thats just me.
returning to xat. im back in my chatroom now. me and toxic are friends again so come chat wit us! <3 heres the chatroom. lolol i wont be on right now becuase im working on my madness animation.
lol i just gotz aim. it ownz like hell. <3 my screen name is nggangsterpimp