

Joined on 11/23/07

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im happy now.

thats good to hear.

its great for me to hear to. and its also great for madness animators who want a good madness soundpack. wow im like addicted to creating this thing.

haha, I hope your grandparents and mom find all the porn you downloaded onto their computers and you get banned for life, never to make another terrible madness ripoff. Who the fuck doesn't have their own computer these days? Broke ass trick.

Oh the yayz! You're still in the collab! Good to have you back :DDDD

yes i am still in. but i need to retrive my flash files to work on my part. nice to see you to.


omfg drift i luv ur new movie mike n his TV g.

Welcome back =D

its good to be back.

Nice cant wait till yoor completly back

me either man.

happy 16-ness

oh jhyeah mang. oh jyeah. :3

happy 16th!

lul! :D

u getting a drivers license? =P

haha. maybe. if anything just a learners permit or some shit. if you want PM me for my chatroom link and we can talk.

Sorry I wasn't able to say so yesterday..... but..... HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY! How was it for you yesterday?

it was just fucking amazing. thank you.

Happy (late) birthday. 16, huh? I guess you are allowed to drive (after you get your drivers license)? Damn, american people are so lucky.

And you should really get your own computer :P

even if i got my own, my parents would take it away if i fucked up my grades. and on top of that im still to fucking young to afford a computer. and thanks. and i haven't even gotten my permit to let me practice driving. but i MIGHT learn how to drive soon. being 16 is great.

fuck i missed that chat thing. =( o well =\ happy late b-day anyway =S

you don't miss it. im on at least once every day unless im really busy doing soemthing else.

Happy birthday n***arrrrr

gg. :3

TheElSalvador says:



BTW: i don't have my own computer. i always used my grandpas and grandmas computer. i really wish i had my own though. but i can't afford it.

I really should get a plunger, I don't have one so I'd be screwed if I ever clogged my toilet.

Told ya the broke ass didn't have a computer, shows how much you know about your lover, tox.

i accidentally deleted this guys other comment. but it talked about how i have so many alt accounts so thats why my alts are mentioned in this giant paragraph i have here. he said i was trying to hide by using my alt accounts. now heres what i wrote back for him.

because i announced the accounts are mine, its not hiding. and im a proud stat whore. im only 16 of course i can't afford to buy my own fucking computer dickhead. oh yeah i do watch porn on these fucking computers. is it any of your business? no. have i been stupid enough to get caught watching it? no. and i never will be. shows how much you know about your lover tox? wow another fucking gay/sex related joke. get over it. cock jokes and sex jokes expired so long ago you fucking old man. jesus christ. get with the goddamn times. im not even kidding when i ask, are you 30 fucking years old or more? yes i do make madness ripoffs but their still better than any of your bullshit fucking madness movies.your gonna say, sex jokes never get old. umm yes motherucker, they do, and they already have. you think your so fucking awesome just floatin around the internet pissing people off cause your some faggot who always has shit to say about everything. well fuck you. so many people fucking hate you. get the fuck away from me you goddamn rotting pile of smoldering dog shit. you once said to me, weren't you grounded for to many lols and 1337s on your homework? ok you little fucking shit now buckle down and listen up you hard headed motherfucker. why in the fuck would i put a goddamn lol on my homework? and 1337? i don't even know what the fuck 1337 means. i have never even said 1337 or used it for any user name on any account on any website. 1337 is practically not even in my fucking vocabulary. except the old post where spaderz made me a custom 1337 guard. i use alot of my accounts for trolling people to piss them off for laughs. that is why i have so many. i have tried on multiple occasions to stop fighting and at least ATTEMPT to either become friends with you or just become a non enemy with you, but even when i give your movie a 10, or comment on your post saying im done fighting, you gotta say something like, "way to pussy out", or "kiss ass" well you know what? im fucking done. im blocking you and your bullshit for good. you wanna fucking know why!? arguing with you is like trying to punch through a goddamn brick wall. it doesn't work. fuck you and your bullshit. good luck with your shitty ass step by step drawings and garbage ass FBF movies.



helo middle finger guy

hey main mliddle finger flip u off g!

hey, glad you're back :D
and congratulations with your birthday ;)

Thank you. i was able to respond to this because this is the night right before i leave. ill leave very very soon. 16 feels awesome. that pic you made of me in jail was fucking amazing. you are a great artist. and i loved the dead OJO66 in the background. you added the dick arms and everything. hahaha. its great to be back to.


cya faggot. gggg.

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