WTF? Newgroundsdummies looks a bit like mine.
<a href=""> t/263242</a>
Joined on 11/23/07
WTF? Newgroundsdummies looks a bit like mine.
<a href=""> t/263242</a>
im never friends with thieves. thats why i hate spaderz and heppylemon. newgrounds dummie did NOT steal from you. i gotta say there is a little resemblance though. lmao.
happy easter :3
you to man. You to.
lol...:P i hope you started doing the aniamtion for the collab lol
Not till i see a preview of what you have in store for the collab.
but... easterbunny... no :(
I have 3 weeks break :3
I have the same thing 7 does.
aaaa. its world wide.
lol, funny how you should that there sick, when almost 200 people in africa are dieing daily because of hunger, so plz make a small donasion to well-spend-all-your-money-on-crack shelter today.
and the eater bunna doesnt hate you, he HATES you. (and by that i mean he'll carry a shotgun around with him)
The Easter Bunny is awesome when hes angry.
Lol the easter bunny hates you! Hey btw i noticed u dont put the 1337 glasses on the 1337 creww member on right. Look at how Krinkels does it
yea i know. i fucked up.
watch out, some chocolate easter eggs are rabbit shit!
eh, wuts up doc?
rabbit shit. lol.
a bit too late, but happy easter to you too :Þ
lal. hey. u to. aaaaaaaaaaffffff
i got some tips, PM me if you want any Kz? ;D
you could have easily posted them here but ok sure.
Oh Teh Yayz!
I finally figured out how to post nice looking pictures!
Also, the Easter Bunny seriously doesn't like me, I stole his eggs. :X
omg you stole his eggs? your definitely on his agenda. watch out.
I was hoping he would get slammed with Karma for all the stuff he did.
My pal Erja's whole family got sick too. In Sweden!
goddaqmnit man. its worldwide now. were all gonna die. lmao im overreacting.
Why doez bunny hate me so?
didn't you watch the videos? hes pissed at everyone because his mother treated him like a piece of shit.
yeah, classic
i first saw that second movie 1 year ago on i lol'd.
hey havent been on in a while but everything has been going good and bad at the same time youll see what i mean if you look at my post
Happy easter :3
Hey, are you still planning on doing your part on the umd collab? I made a quick flash, I'll be posting it on the UMD forums.
Maybe when we release the flash, we'll be getting more activity on our spam group. Well, not really spam. Whatever.
happy easter to you to. hmm well. im to focused on madness for UMD related parts. Ill tell you what. im passing on full authority of the collab to you. you organize the collab. you add the collab to your post if you please. you have full control over the collab. enjoy your power my friend.