

Joined on 11/23/07

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wow, too many tests, some of them are good, other suck ass. Why don't you update the test of when you kill ojo66 and put LLL's pimp?

Also I love the part of tourettes guy part one when he says this:


also 1st comment(I think)

yes, alot of them. the first batch totally sucks cock, cause their old as hell. i don't wanna update it. it is what is it. besides, it would be hard to update cause spaderz made the parts groups, not symbols. a very stupid thing to do if you ask me. Lmao, i love tourettes guy. :D WAIT A MINUTE YOU DICK! i don't have a dick you prick. shirlena? AH SHIT! lma. and yes, first comment.

i think your amazing animator and you get better as you practice, thats my tip to you haha
and hows it going on battle of the pimps?

well actually, your exactly right. i get alot better with each fucking test i make. especially from ownage. i improved biggest from ownage to perspective. and now i improved so much from perspective to my part for dunsos collab. well, to be truthfull, im not going to start that, madness cheetolicious, or any full length madness movie, untill im good enough to the point where people actually ASK me to make a full length movie. untill that happens, im still not good enough. and im gonna keep making tests untill i am good enough.

hey u get my message?

i do not.. want to join.. any more collabs.. at this time.... but if you really want to.. i MIGHT make one for you IF i get inspired.

Your first 5 tests were, how should I say this, very shitty.
But now, you've developed your own unique style unline any other I've ever seen.
It's like frame-by-frame and tweening at the exact same time, combined with various amounts of easing.

the first 5 are my worst. lma. well this is the first unique comment i got. thank you.

I'm sure there was another with an axe deflecting a bullet

are you saying i missed one?

yes, the first 5 absolutely sucked cock. cliff collab part was meh. m16 test, dual m16 test, were good. so were S&W500 magnum test and ojo66 getting killed. the "shit: unfinished" was also meh. so were perspective and its intro. the killing collab part was pretty good. cliff area..... or should I say..... "sniper's rain" was very good, too. also, your part for atomiccloud was great. and best of all was the part for dunso. aside from the hands, the only thing that your part for dunso REALLY needs is to have 2 feet for each character instead of just 1. by the way, I dunno if "battle of the pimps" or madness cheetolicious will be made first, and would like to find out. that is all I have to say for now, good luck, pal.

i won,t be making any full madness movies untill im good enough. thank you for this long well thought out comment.

Eagle, you fucking idiot

All of those were better then the fucking cliff collab part

and heh, you're not even at Madness Ownage skill, which is fucking SAD.

true, the cliff collab thing is even worse than my madness 1. LMAO MADNESS OWNAGE!

Dude, its true.

i like his newest scene leaks.

shut up toxic. fucking dickhole..... yes i know cliff collab part sucked ass. and man does that thing for april sound bad.....

DONT START POSTING JUST TO ARGUE WITH TOXIC AGAIN! i like madness hunt 2 so far and thats all their fucking is to it. so stop. and yes, im unhooking my internet april first. ill be on the next day tho.

I saw that April first worm virus too, I'm not so sure what to make of it, I just assumed it was Yahoo's prank.

holy shit. i never thought of that one.

lol dude, your plan to trick ojo66 was absolutely GENIUS! and he freaks after seeing/hearing/whatever someone else uses just ONE cuss word? he's even more pathetic than I thought, even though I obviously knew already that he sucked ass at life. so yeah, you got him pretty fucking good, pal. LMFAO.

yes i got him great. lmao.

what do u have against alex??????

i will tell you why on your userpage.

these tests are amasing, I canĀ“t wait for madness pespective, but get better the drawing k, and how you did the death counter ?

perspective is fucking failed and done with. if any new movie, im making madness cheetolicious. but im not going to make any full length movies untill i get ALOT better. but wow its nice to see that you love them. thanks man.

Those are some very interesting tests you have there.

Good luck with any of your future projects.

thank you. :3

how DO people come up with fancy names for their flashes like "cheetolicious" and stuff, anyway? I really would like to know.

its not that fancy. i just took cheeto, and added licious on the end, because cheetos taste good. :3

yes, i agree, cheetos DO taste good, lol.

I love hot cheetos the best.

Holy fuck, that was PURE FUCKING GENIUS. You owned ojo66 more than anyone else has ever owned anyone before :O

haha. and it only took 4 days to do. hes so gullible.

Hey thanks for the warning about the april fools day worm virus. i'll warn all my friends on bebo, etc. the best i could, if that sounds like a good idea.


it sounds like a great idea. im unplugging my internet on april first.



you now tt rite?


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