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nggangsterpimp's News

Posted by nggangsterpimp - August 31st, 2008

ive been doing stuffz to help out ng. i made like 4 icons for submissions. <3 ive also been scoping out abusive reviews alot. its an honor to halp out. <3 yayz gold whistle! <3 OMG WATS THIS... COULD THIS TRULY BE... A LEAK? huge credits go out to toxicdevil93 for drawing this amazing fuzzball. i love this fuzzball becuase of its face expression that just seyz... FUCK U ALL!!!!!!! lal also visit mah friend soulreapaermarco.

gold whistle! :D

Posted by nggangsterpimp - August 28th, 2008

school is gunna start again really soon like sometime this weeek or something. so now im kinda sad becuase summer vacation was so awesome and i had so mcub fun here all summer but now iu cant be on all the time so ill be saaad.. im starting high school ninth grade. that makes me amd... ill have soo much homework... D: but ill still get fuzzball city done somehow tho..

well schools starts again soon....

Posted by nggangsterpimp - August 20th, 2008

I WUZ ABLE TO GET MAH ACCOUNT BACK FROM THE MODS NOW! WAT HAPPENED WAS THAT I PISSED OFF THE MODS AND GOT IT LOCKED! BUT A MOD LOCKING IT IS BETTER THAN A HACKER STEALING IT THO. :D IM MAKING A NEW FULL EPISODE OF FUZZBALL CITY. THIS EPISODE WILL HAVE CLOLOR AND SHADING AND A COOL ASS TANK TO! (:< THERES A PIC AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST BUT THIS IS A HIGHER QUALITY PREVIEW THO. http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/190808 /76703_fuzzball_preview.swf OH AND ALSO! MY BROTHERS A LITTLE PUSSY ASS FAGGOT! AND -- IS STILL GAY NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS! toxicdevil made 2 fuzzball city tributes. his first. http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/210808 /47088_lol.php and his second http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/200808 /69766_Fuzzball_tribute.php

Posted by nggangsterpimp - August 9th, 2008

i released a flash that has 3 of my madness kill tests in it. watch it here. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

452941 please vote 5 and review on how i could become better.

Posted by nggangsterpimp - August 9th, 2008

he was so funny its sad that hes gone. read about why he died here. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080809/ap _on_en_mo/obit_bernie_mac

bernie mac is dead. D:

Posted by nggangsterpimp - August 7th, 2008

im working on the random insults remix. yes it will have subtitles and it will have old insults and it will have a nice little batch of new insults to. it will have subtitles. and you will love it.

Posted by nggangsterpimp - August 3rd, 2008

ok we can finnnaily use the old chatroom again. and so here it is. :) http://xat.com/j980y6gj986ygj9m6h965k9 095k95k09k07?p=0&ss=2

Posted by nggangsterpimp - August 1st, 2008

time for something really epic. like a real big random insults premire. a big remix of all of the old random insults. it will have a backround.. it will have subtitles it will have 2 guys rippin eachother but it wont have lip syncing. i just dont rlly know wich type of pitch to use the voice in. this will be hard and it might even be the last random insults i ever make but im not really that sure yet. well so i will be workign on it but i will also be in my chatroom so pm for the link to it if you really do want it. after i get started i will include a nice little screenshot of the new random insults. i was supposed to have a alt account but i 4got the password for it like right after i registered it. i 4got the email i used for it to. lolololololol. the alt

Posted by nggangsterpimp - July 31st, 2008

hahaha! summer skool has finnaily ended! i will nao be on all day everyday! :D if u want the link to my chatroom then pm me for it.

Posted by nggangsterpimp - July 23rd, 2008

i love this movie so much! XD


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im makin a ultimate random insults remix that will have insults from all of the random insults. and it will have subtitles! :D and a new face! credits to newgroundsdummie for the face. :) also visit my friend soulreapermarco to learn about free antivirus that fucking pwnz. i uploaded a vid of -- telling me his alt accounts! XD you can watch it at low quality at the link but it l00ks alot better at high quality if you download it from the page tho.heres the new faice.